I'm a satanist since 21 years old and I fucking tried all the stuff to get sober so yes....whatever it takes. If praying to god may take a needle out of my arm I tried I really tried. It just didn't connect which I'm glad to have found this book but inversely yes whatever works.
I feel that first 9 months just shut up and listen take the advice. Try it. You don't know shit. After 9 months then try every path, take what works and drop the rest. No one has the magic formula. We have to get clear headed enough to find out what works for us. Full disclosure I found this in desperation one night googling because aa stopped working and I was about to give up. After reading it 3 times and it changing my soul I'm now a friend with the author. I just wanted to put that out because I do know him but that's not why I'm spreading the word I am because this was the key to me.
It may not be the key for you or anyone else but 14$ and 4 hours of your time reading this I know for sure will show you how to find your path
That's what this book is and did for me and others I know. The main point is find your path, find your god, find and heal thyself. Satanist or not you have the strength to do it. I am grateful for aa that's what got me here but the maintality of god and perpetuated in the rooms around me is "you don't know how" and I need responsibility or I won't be invested. This book is true form of what I feel bill and Bob wanted, find your path and consume it, transform yourself. No one else can.
Good luck. If you take anything away (or anyone else reading) please just know you can do this, you can and are worth peace and happiness. If that's with Jesus or a door knob YOU can do it. It starts with asking yourself what you need and forming habits and ritual around that need. What's "90 in 90" if not a ritual of self.
amazon is how I found it. I carry it with me in my bag and reference it regularly. I randomly in anger with Alcoholics Anonymous googled "satanism and recovery" and that's how I got to amazon and it was the best 13$ I ever spent. Ever.
Full disclosure after reading it and the book changing my life I reached out to him and we've become friends since. But that is because it's a monumental influence in my life.
Not about sobriety, but this one is about addiction https://youtu.be/xeVBiGWbrYg
Also, my gf got me this book for Valentines Day. I think you might dig it. Uncover Satan Recover Thyself: A Rational Satanic recovery https://www.amazon.com/dp/1916033601/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JBBQVTFKHJR65CK1YAV7