I really appreciate what theyre doing, and I think it's a great resource. I've only seen 7 or 8 of their videos, but repeatedly they fall into two big flaws that play off of each other alot:
1) They teach the biblical narrative as Redemption History/ History of Salvation. Extremely briefly that means their view on the bible, specifically the OT, is that it's all a story from the fall of man to redemption through Christ, and EVERYTHING in the bible is a narrative about that one redemptive theme. There'a a lot of scholars that support this, I personally don't. It falls apart when you consider that Paul's writings, the OT wisdom literature and overwhelming part of the poetry are not narrative- and a huge chunk of them including some of the narrative (like Esther) have nothing to do with that theme unless you disastrously skew them. Books outlining this biblical view will intentionally skip huge parts of the prophets and wisdom literature that dont deal with these topics, so their thesis falls apart when they argue 'its all about X; except the parts that aren't but they don't count'. If you want to read a very well put together book that says these ridiculous things, check out The Story of Israel. Redemptive history is a huge recurring theme that ties vast pieces bible together, but it does not encompass every letter of every page. There's a lot of other recurring themes. Do your own research though. If you want a scholarly book on interpreting these different 'lenses' of biblical theology, check out 'Understanding Biblical Theology' . They follow this biblical view fairly strictly, and the biblical authors disagrees with it.
2) It is a very feel good type message in each video. They put a lot of the necessary caveats in where needed to keep it from being untruthful, but leave out a lot of negative or scary stuff, i.e they'll spend all day in Deut. 28:1-14 and gloss over 15-64. I'm fairly ok with this in the context of the videos as they are trying to be heard in a culture that hates to deal with the grittier parts of the bible and what they are actually saying. Just know that it is all intentionally skewed in a motivational speech, fluff kind of way. I think curses in the bible outnumber blessings ~3:1, but not so in their selected bits, so keep that in mind while watching it.
Overall, great resource though. There's a lot I could talk about what I love, but I think these comments in the negative are more constructive in the context of this discussion. They are a great resource, just keep their biblical theological view in mind as it (debatedly) skews some text to fit a narrative that (debatedly) isn't there.