Elorin become pretty powerful. He does work with a group and the creatures he fights against tend to be more powerful but he finds a way to beat them. Its weird in the fact I think he becomes OP pretty quickly but everyone else is also OP. Anyway, there are 6 books so it might scratch the itch.
Have you tried Level up or Die?
Kind of that rare OP MC who is also weak compared to the true monsters. It was of the earlier ones I read so it still holds a spot in my heart.
Was hoping you were announcing that it was actually released... not i gotta wait till December.. QQ
As for recommendations...
Just finished the two Underworld books. They were pretty good. Looking forward to the next one.
Also am in the middle of crystal shards and it's good as well. A couple nice twists, and a good take on dystopian litrpg.
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Here are some of my personal favourites, I only found these authors through KU but I really enjoyed the stories, started reading their other works and bought the books instead to support them more. (leaving reviews helps too, you'll see it at the end of every book)
Underworld series by Apollos Thorne https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B076V6MBBS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_o00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
World Tree Trilogy (Completed series) by EA Hooper
Iron Prince (Warformed: Stormweaver Book 1) By Bryce O'Connor & Luke Chmilenko
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The Bad Guys (wiki)
Apocalypse: Generic System (wiki)
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Many great series have been suggested but one I believe another that also deserves inclusion is Apollos Thorn's "Underworld ". Here's a link to the first of the series (from Amazon USA) Underworld - Level Up or Die
Another I've also enjoyed is "Primal Hunter" on RR. If you want to read it for free on RR then you have to sometimes around Feb 20 to read it there. Around that time all chapters for book 1 will be removed to be sold on Amazon and Audible. For more info see the author's announcement ,
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Underworld - Level Up or Die: A LitRPG Series | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Underworld - Level Up or Die: A LitRPG Series | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Threadbare (wiki)
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Level Up or Die (wiki)
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Ruins of Majesta (wiki)
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one of my favorites is Apollos Thorne's "Underworld" series .
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