I went ahead and bought the radio you were talking about and this power supply.
Will this one work? I assume I will need some kind of connector to connect the radio to the power supply. What connector would I need?
This is not suitable for 12VDC electronic circuits - it is only intended for halogen lights. It looks to me that the output is 12VAC not DC. You would be better off with something like a 30 AMP 12VCD power supply like this: [Pyramid PSV300 Heavy-duty 30 Amp Switching Power Supply ] https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B000NPT4TK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I use.
This is what you need.
Universal Compact Bench Power Supply - 30 Amp Regulated Home Lab Benchtop AC-to-DC Converter w/ 13.8 Volt DC 115/230V AC Switchable, Screw Type Terminals, Cooling Fan - Pyle PSV300 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000NPT4TK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZZDTTAM7GZB2FAVVWDSP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've been licensed for about a month, but this is what I'm using. I have the same radio, but wanted room to grow. So far, so good!
Universal Compact Bench Power Supply - 30 Amp Regulated Home Lab Benchtop AC-to-DC Converter w/ 13.8 Volt DC 115/230V AC Switchable, Screw Type Terminals, Cooling Fan - Pyle PSV300 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000NPT4TK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_HM1EDRK31XY1TAS7EVQT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Something like the Pyle PSV300 should be a much better compact option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000NPT4TK
I have been happy with https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NPT4TK/ as a desktop power supply for a small 2m/70cm mobile radio.
The MXT275 is advertised as being a 15 watt radio drawing 13.8 volts DC - to get amps, divide the power by the voltage, so it should require something in the neighborhood of 15/13.8 amps, or a little more than 1 amp.
The power consumption of the radio may be more than just its output - but even if you doubled that figure, even a relatively small power supply should be sufficient.
Another aspect to consider is the electrical connection - the power supply I linked above has two screw terminals that connect to two bare wires, while the MXT275 has a cigarette-lighter style 12V plug (which can be easily snipped off). If you prefer not to cut the plug off, you'll want to look for power supplies that provide a 12v socket. This might be a contender: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002BA570/ but I've never used it so .. ??
50 amps is serious overkill for this application.
I note that this page for the MXT275 https://www.crutchfield.com/S-A5hLcX0wabu/p_102MXT275/Midland-MicroMobile-MXT275.html says that it uses a 5 amp fuse, so that should tell you the upper limit of the potential power draw for the radio.
I bought one of These
I run 2 sony xplod 12's on a 400 watt orion amp in my shop and and a kicker l7 in my room on an 800W kenwood amp to cover my addiction to proper bass. It's all car audio stuff. And my neighbors can feel it if it is turned up much at all.
The biggest barrier is getting enough 12v current to handle a car amp. 250W really isnt bad though. Thats well within the capabilities of many modern pc power supply's 12v outputs. You would need to make sure that the PSU can can output at least 25 amps at 12v (this gives ~4 amps over the max power draw of the amplifier)
Look up using a PC PSU as a 12v supply for info on how to turn those PSU's on. 12v is 12v. As long as you can supply enough current, the amp will be very happy. In fact it will be more stable than any power supply that amp was intended to run on.
VERY IMPORTANT: Put a 25A fuse inline between the PSU and the amp for safety. 20+ amps can catch things on fire real quick if it shorts and a fuse can save your house.
For ease and cost you might wanna look at just a 12v power supply like https://www.amazon.com/Pyramid-Compact-Supply-Converter-PSV300/dp/B000NPT4TK
You still need a fuse!
Check out: http://www.bcae1.com/ for loads of info on car audio wiring. Everything applies to this setup it's just in a house instead of a car.
Get that and you will be good to go. I have one and have powered both a cb and uhf radio that put out 40watts.
Plenty of power for a radio and amp