$222 USD?? Call me crazy, but that puts this hat well out of DIY territory let alone any budget IoT project which the Pi is used for in the first place.
EDIT: I’ve got to be missing something. TR is saying this is affordable compared to other options. Besides being a hat, how would this be different from a 4G USB dongle?
As a suggestion, I think you might want to get something like this (I think this one is only T-mobile in US) which could plug in to a Pi Zero (with a connector).
You would need Phone Sim card I think and Zero SD card and a weatherproof case.
You would then need a motor driver board and a motor (or solenoid).
You would probably want some sort of detector to detect "gate closed".
You would have to have power out to the gate.
I think you could probably make one cheaper, but it depends on how much you value your own time.
The GPRS usb dongles has given me a few ideas on other projects, so thanks.
this is what I ordered. No band 12 but is that really a huge deal?
I don't need a crazy fast connection, this is for an Android head unit that needs data to run maps and maybe stream a little low quality music on Play.
Saw this on eBay while looking for a good LTE stick, I looked it up on Amazon and it supports 700mhz LTE, but is it B12 and T-Mobile compatible?
Here is the Amazon page: https://www.amazon.com/Unlocked-Huawei-E397u-53-Worldwide-Required/dp/B01M0JY15V
The one I was looking at is http://www.ebay.com/itm/162200904842?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
What I ended up ordering is https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M0JY15V/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I'll post back here when I get mine and get it working, but take a look at the amazon reviews, there has been some success with using this adapter with Linux. Hopefully it's pretty reliable while using a Fi data sim.
I used this bugger https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M0JY15V on an ASUS router. It seems to work. It has an external antenna jack.. although I can't tell if that really helps me or not.
You'll get throttled at 22gb.. but... in your case that might be just fine.. given how bad Sat internet is.
Are you in the northern parts of the USA? starlink might be a nice option if you could get in on the upcoming public beta...
If I am interpreting your question correctly, it sounds like you want to be able to attach your PC to a cellular network, using a Twilio SIM, in order to access Twilio SMS endpoints.
It sounds like what you want is a USB cellular modem. Twilio recommends the Unlocked Modem USB 4G LTE Huawei E397u-53.
I found this one from Huawei works for the data sim. Also, pick up an adaptor. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M0JY15V?ref%5F=oh%5Faui%5Fdetailpage%5Fo04%5Fs00&redirect=true&psc=1&pldnSite=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00R25GJJW?ref%5F=oh%5Faui%5Fdetailpage%5Fo03%5Fs00&redirect=true&psc=1&pldnSite=1