I haven't read this this but my mom did and says it's a really good book. It's an autobiography about a guy that came back from Iraq with PTSD and back problems from being wounded and how his dog basically turned his life around. Might be worth checking out.
edit: It was his service dog
This disgusts me. People don't realize how important these service dogs are and how common it for our vets to have PTSD. For a Combat Vet friend of mine it saved his life. Here is his book about it http://www.amazon.com/Until-Tuesday-Wounded-Warrior-Retriever/dp/1401324290 and apparently they are making a movie about it. Businesses need much more education about this, my friend had several incidents like this even one where he was beat up at McDonalds http://sunsetpark.wordpress.com/2009/11/22/disabled-vet-claims-beatening-sunset-park-mcdonalds-employees/