What you have there is a so-called mini-DIN plug (for "Deutsches Institut für Normung", a German standards body) that offers 5V and 12V.
It is probably the same as this, but without detailed information on the HD enclosure, I can't say for sure whether the pinout on the connector is what you need.
My recommendation would be to skip the enclosure entirely. Remove the hard disk and attach it to something like this, a dedicated USB-to-IDE device that comes with the right power adapter. Better to spend $20 on a useful general-purpose device than $20 on a power adapter that may or may not work correctly.
Finally, I note that the drive is marked for USB and Firewire. Was it used for a Mac? If so, you may need to hook it back up to a Mac to get the data off of it, since a Windows PC won't be able to read a Mac filesystem.