Yes but go light as to not burn into the fibers or you will see the surface reflection change in those areas after you clear it.
You might be able to use compressed air to help lift/remove the failing clear coat in any areas that it’s lifting before you start sanded 600grit, wet sand lightly. Just enough to smooth the surface and rough it up for new clear to bond.
Use a 2-stage clear coat. (It’s a curing two part clear) it will last much longer and be tougher You can get it in a activating spray can also , check on amazon for “2k clear coat”
Or: USC Spray Max 2k High Gloss Clearcoat Aerosol (2 PACK)
I wet sanded 800 then wet sanded to 1600 or 1800 (I forget) cleaned it with water then gave it a wipe down with alcohol. Two cans, and as many coats as I could put down. Get good clear though. I recommend this stuff
you can search for "Spraymax 2k clear" but here's a link to some one amazon. it's super popular to people who DIY spray paint their project cars, and there's tons of YouTube videos about how to use it properly (although it's pretty simple.) because it's a 2 part paint with a hardener, be sure to wear a proper mask while using it.
Really nice paint job. I'm not sure if you finished it with anything after painting, but I recommend this for at least the controller -- it'll give you a nice hard enamel shell: USC Spray Max 2k High Gloss Clearcoat Aerosol (2 PACK)
Not anything formally written up, but this is pretty much it: I stain the wood with LMII analine dyes and for this guitar I finished with this stuff, wet sanded up to about 2000-3000 then buffed with polishing compounds. All it really takes is a good piece of figured maple, the dying process doesn't have to be complicated if the wood already looks great. There's all kinds of tutorials on this kind of thing though, I've seen some good stuff on youtube for sure!
Sure thing! Highly recommended, it worked great. USC Spray Max 2k High Gloss Clearcoat Aerosol (2 PACK)
This is what I used.
This is what I did
So yes it is
45 bucks plus the sandpaper I already had.
Do yourself one huge favor and buy 2K clear. Return the Duplicolor if not used. Thank me later.
You're really just looking for clear spray paint. Without knowing exactly what the factory paint is we can't really pay attention to chemical compatibility or anything, though the old paint is so thoroughly cured it probably won't matter anyway.
If you want the absolute most protection possible, get a "2K" catalyzed clearcoat, like automotive paint. For a one-off project you don't need a fancy spray gun or anything; you can get this in self-contained spray cans, in gloss or satin. They've got a little bulb on the bottom you press to mix the components. The resulting paint is more or less automotive-grade and should be roughly as durable as car paint.
Please be aware that the catalyst used in 2K paints is nasty. This isn't your grandpa's spray can. You absolutely must use an organic vapor respirator while spraying 2K.
I got some secret sauce for you
Degrease them and coat with this.
Will remain looking new for YEARS!
Use 2k clear instead.
As with anything paint related, prep is everything.
A standard color match aerosol works fine, get gun device for aerosol bottles, will save your thumb and give you cleaner more controlled sprays.
Buy too much paint so you can spray from a nice distance, liberally, and sacrifice all your starts and stops well away from your panel.
The important distinction is with the clearcoat, Buy activated clearcoat, and have more than you think you will need on hand. This stuff has worked wonders (Also easy to find on ebay) avoid the cheap clear like the plague.
Worth it: