The Valley of Vision
A few years ago, Tim Challies recommended an app called PrayerMate that has really helped me a lot. It takes a little time to get it set up, but it's a really good tool for organizing one's prayer life. (Available for Android or for iOS.)
I've used <em>The Valley of Vision</em>. It's a collection of Puritan prayers that have been good for focusing my groggy mind on the Lord in the mornings. Joe Thorn created "Walking Through the Valley of Vision", a little plan you can print off and stick in your copy of the book. The plan gives you a prayer from the book to pray three times per day for 13 weeks. It's been a good prayer help and was great to improve my prayer habits.
Recently, I've been helped by incorporating some of Martin Luther's suggestions from his small catechism, specifically to begin with the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer.
All these are specifically aids to prayer and not directly to scripture intake. For that, I like to use Bible MP3s on my commute.