So Sanguinarian vampire lifestyles are absolutely a thing.
“Vampires as an Identity Group: Analyzing Causes and Effects of an Introspective Survey by the Vampire Community,” Nova Religio 14:1 (2010): 4-23.
“Vampires as an Ascriptive Identity Group: Analyzing Causes and Effects of an Introspective Survey by the Vampire Community,” in Adam Possamai, ed., Handbook of Hyper-Real Religions. Boston: Brill, 2012: pp. 141-163.
“‘We Are Spirits of Another Sort’: Ontological Rebellion and Religious Dimensions of the Otherkin Community,” Nova Religio 15:3 (2012): 65-90.
“Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism” Joseph Laycock, PhD – Praeger Publishers – May 30, 2009 – ISBN: 0-313-36472-9