321 Locks Van Locks Heavy Duty Hasp Padlock - Cargo Lock for Trailer, RV, Van, Vending Machines and Storage Buildings (Lock & Hasp) (CT-10) (CT-10) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KK7W9NL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NDV51HXH9YMAW7PYSTM3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I know a few guys who use these on all their doors, specifically if they are storing or shipping their rigs. Won't stop someone from smashing a window, but a hell of a lot harder to crack than a regular door lock.
Install puck locks it won't stop the pros but it deters a casual thief.. it also slows down the speed of the thief so they risk getting caught
Install puck locks it won't stop the pros but it deters a casual thief.. it also slows down the speed of the thief so they risk getting caught