For anyone wondering, 5-point perspective is a technique for getting that fisheye effect. It uses a circle with 4 points on it to get the "warping" effect of the fisheye and then a single point in the middle for depth. This book has a great guide for using it, if anyone is interested in learning more.
This is a really good book.
Still not coming up with anything on amazon or google...
I mean look at this:
This is that other book I told you about the one that got a weird review. And the other review just says it arrived quickly... as if that tells me anything about the book... two reviews isn't enough to go by:
See that book description. It says it's the only book that teaches curvilinear perspective (which isn't true, it's just one of the only ones I can find. And it says nothing about if it uses cartographic projections to modify the grid)... Problem is, I'm not all too keen on learning from a book who's cover is comparable or worse than my skill level, if that makes sense. I'm not impressed. I need to be impressed with the artwork on the cover for an art book, and that's all they supply.
Yeah... there's books on it... just not any GOOD ones. Like how do you make a perfect 45° angle? How do you make a perfect cube? Things like that. I have no confidence in these types of books. I have limited funds, so the idea of wasting money on yet another book... waiting for it... and being disappointed...
Might have been a long while since you read them... but, oh well, might as well ask, do you know any specific book titles?
Oh yeah, I understand it's a panoramic so it's more of a swivel action more than a pan.
I've made some impressive panoramics with photoshop. I even started to conceptualize the picture plane as a bowl. It's definitely a swivel.