I know I'm a few hours late to this thread. BUT, I bartend at a live music bar. A drummer friend of mine told me these are her favorite brand. They're reasonably priced and work fantastically. They take the harsh decibles out while being able to hear people talking, or ordering drinks in my case.
Vater VSAS ear plugs. $16.49 (USD) on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWKR7K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_cgv0zbFH8YFPK
Get some vater earplugs. They're high quality and made for drummers.
Vater Safe and Sound Ear Plugs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002RWKR7K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_gl_i_WXRJ98BPT2CVR0TXN7C7
I dont remember if these are the exact ones I had (lost them - gotta get more) but it's a good company.
The Vater ones I just linked in other post are amazing. It doesn't matter to me that they're an actual drum brand. They're definitely universal for any person around loud shit.
They fit nice. And they have two inserts. I hit hard as fuck with large drums and cymbals, think ass sticks, etc.
The higher reduction insert is almost "too much" muffling for me. But then the medium insert is perfect. Having both is great.
Any guitar shop will have filtered ear plugs, which do not diminish the sound quality only reduce the volume. You want something like this. They significantly improve the experience.
These are pretty much the same design but without the thing sticking out of your ears. If that matters, these are also the plugs I have been using for 2+ years and just now bought a second pair.
I just got these, and they filter out a fair amount of sound, without looking clarity. They even come with two types of filters - one for a lot of sound filtered, one for not as much. I'd recommend them.
I picked these up from a local music store, I now can't go to a concert without them. They really keep decent levels of the sound, but just cut down all the ambient shit and help bring the volume down a bit so I end up with ringing ears after.
Large venue shows they are mostly just a volume killer, but when you get into smaller venues, it REALLY helps cut down on all the echo throughout the room of everyones voice and the band sound.
Cheap, disposable ear plugs make live music sound like shit. Spring for the good ones.
Edit: Here's the ones I have. Absolutely worth the 20ish bucks.
OP, just bring some in your pocket in case you need em? Definitely the musician ones they're talking about. They're like $20 a pair but you don't want to spend $100+ on a Tool show and have the cheapos that muffles everything like people are saying.
The musician ones block the damaging sounds that just sound like added noise anyway. It filters that out so it actually sounds better with earplugs. It's really neat how you can still have a normal conversation with them on.
There's a billion brands with everyone swearing allegiance to a certain brand. The real difference is people's ear canals. Even with different sizes and shapes, it can be a bit tough to get the perfect fit.
And a lot of bad reviews for any brand, I think it's people not knowing how to insert them. You gotta sorta lift and angle your earlobe, to get the earplug fully in there (but don't like, jam it way the hell in there painful
These are my go to. The have two inserts, one for almost "too much" decibel reduction (excellent for loud ass drums), and then a medium filter insert that's perfect for a show. Vater is a drum brand, but these are universal obviously
Amazons link to Vater earpluggies
And I haven't tried these Vibes ones, but they're real popular getting great reviews. I think they have interchangeable sizes too. Vater's fit my ear perfectly though.
Sweetwater.com (online music store) Vibes Hi Fidelity earplugs
Invest in good pair if drummer ear plugs, have used these for years! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vater-VSAS-Ear-Plugs/dp/B002RWKR7K
Do you have any specific recommendations? I'm a guitarist/vocalist in a rock cover band and I use these but they block a little too much of the sound IMO.
I've had the connecting cord save me countless times.
I've been using these at shows for years. I can't imagine going to a show without them now. They are made for drummers but sound great in the crowd.
My wife and I have been using these for years. They are designed for drummers but sound great for live shows.