I had one of those but my cat kept knocking it over or removing the lid, plus the pump would always make an annoying vibrating sound. I ended up getting a competing product that basically does the same thing without the issues I was facing. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jY1mFb10ET79B
A lot of cats prefer to drink running water, it's why I got one of those fountain bowls for my cats.
Cats are really built to get most of their water from their food and are bad about actually drinking water and that can cause some serious kidney problems. And since cats are also hardwired to hide pain unless they're literally dying, a lot of owners won't even know anything is wrong until their cat is already in renal failure. So it's generally best to pander to a cat's pickiness about how/what kind of water they're willing to drink, even if it seems weird/ridiculous. Giving them wet food on a regular basis is also a good way to reduce the chances of kidney-related kitty death.
That got very gloomy 😰 sorry about that. I'm just the type to yell about kitty care cuz I had a friend lose a kitten to renal failure because she didn't know this stuff and I don't want anyone else to have to go through that.
The water fountain encourages them to stay more hydrated. It keeps the water cleaner because there is a filter, but it also oxygenates the water which cats like, and they can smell it easier, so they will drink more of it. They also associate still water with disease, and water with their food is also usually avoided due to disease. So the water fountain is much more appetizing for kitties. Dehydration puts stress on the kidneys and age 8 is when cat kidneys begin to struggle so it becomes important to prevent chronic stress on the kidneys. There are different types of fountains depending on what kind of stream your cat would prefer. Luna likes this one with the top tube removed so that it is a puddle with water coming up through the middle like a spring. She loves that it’s running but she doesn’t like the drizzles from the flower. (You can remove the flower) https://www.amazon.com/Veken-Fountain-Automatic-Dispenser-Replacement/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=zg_bs_2975263011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=1D20XE4R3VHQ0NR5R9MF
Not the person you asked, but I have this one. I get the filters on subscribe and save on Amazon. Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L Automatic Cat Water Fountain Dog Water Dispenser with 3 Replacement Filters & 1 Silicone Mat for Cats, Dogs, Multiple Pets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_8BsLEbD6C1WYF
Check out if the cat might like something like this instead:
I dont know how I got him used to it haha. He usually is scared of new things but he liked this pretty quick! If your budgie has a favorite treat you can try and lure it in by putting it in or next to its bath. I also recommend the bath I use which is supposed to be a drinking fountain for cats but works well with birds as well. Here's the link
Hope this helped!
Getting them to drink more water helps with UTIs. I got my cats a Pet Waterfountain. They love it and it encourages them to drink more water because it is always fresh and moving. cat fountain
I bought my cat this and he’s absolutely loved it.
We didn’t have to lead him to it. One problem is that he drinks too much too fast and starts honking. He’s learned after 1 day thankfully. He’s sooooo cute 🥰
Yes! I have two of these and they’re almost silent. I love that you can adjust the water flow(and noise level) and our three cats really seem to love it. It’s super easy to assemble and clean. Good luck
Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L Automatic Cat Water Fountain Dog Water Dispenser with 3 Replacement Filters & 1 Silicone Mat for Cats, Dogs, Multiple Pets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_C7VV7KP27XJSTJFX6X2B.
My dads cat was the exact same way, this worked for him!
Oh wait I’m sorry I sent the wrong link. They all look so similar! This is the one I have. It’s really easy to clean. The flower part comes apart easily so you can clean it thoroughly. And the basin comes off too. Probably the most tedious part of cleaning is the pump which they recommend you clean every 2 weeks I think. Though to be honest I don’t clean it as often as that and it’s still working fine and I’ve had it for at least a year.
I think there’s a newer version but I’ve never tried it.
I recently got this one and my cats love it. It’s easy to clean and my favorite thing about is that it’s silent. I’d heard of some people’s cats being permanently put off by loud sounds from these fountains but I don’t have that problem at all. I use it without the “flower” thing on top so that’s just gently moving water over the surface and they’re obsessed.
I got this one before I learned about the chin acne and yes it is plastic but she doesn't rest her chin on the edge to drink like she did from the bowl. She seems to like it and drinks a LOT. The chin acne mostly cleared up when I switched her food bowl to stainless, but now I'm kinda rethinking the plastic fountain. I bought it because of the reviews and several people said their cat preferred this one to more expensive stainless ones. I might buy a stainless one anyway and try out now that I'm thinking about it.
Haha. They have these awesome fountains on amazon where the water shoots out of a flower.It’s like 20 bucks and our cat loves it. Plus they can swipe at the water. Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L Automatic Cat Water Fountain Dog Water Dispenser with 3 Replacement Filters & 1 Silicone Mat for Cats, Dogs, Multiple Pets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6H5MZ1HV2S95GHCB7VAS
My cat was horrible about this until we got him a fountain. They're pretty inexpensive overall and are easy to clean and replace. I couldnt use any type of bowl without him tipping or knocking it over but the fountain made a huge difference!
I use this brand: Veken
Have you tried something like this? My friend’s cat has like 3 of these around his house, 1 outside, one by the back door, one upstairs. He says cats like to drink from moving water much more. https://www.amazon.com/Veken-Fountain-Automatic-Dispenser-Replacement/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=zg_bs_2975263011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=7YP4RT3JH93QPF26HFAD
We used a dog bowl for a long time to keep one of our cats from doing this. He seems to prefer a stream of water. No idea why he dumps over the bowls though. Must be cat logic.
We use one like this:
The bowl flipping stopped.
My cat is the same. Absolutely will not drink from a bowl and I had to always leave the sink running. We got this onethis one from Amazon. My cat took about a week to use it but now he drinks from it constantly.
I change the filters every 2 weeks and run the whole thing (minus the pump) through the dishwasher. I’ve had it almost a year and no issues
Link just in case ya need it.
OP you should buy your kitty one of these water fountains; my cats seem to enjoy it.
We bought a fountain for our 4 to drink out of https://smile.amazon.com/Veken-Fountain-Automatic-Dispenser-Replacement/dp/B07DLXF7XL and honestly they drink better from it than they ever did from a bowl. You might consider something like it.
my cat used this one. the flower petals sometimes get in the way, I toyed with using the fountain with and without it.
I got this water fountain and have had it for about a year. My cat really likes it. Once when they were working on the power, I put some water out for him in a bowl, and he really didn't want to touch it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DLXF7XL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
Could it be something as simple as your water service adding different or additional chemicals to the water supply? You could try him on some bottled water or leave a pitcherful of water sitting out overnight to let some of the chemicals disappear.
Something like this should solve the problem.
Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
My water fountain top picks.
Veken Pet Fountain, 84oz/2.5L Automatic Cat Water Fountain Dog Water Dispenser with 3 Replacement Filters & 1 Silicone Mat for Cats, Dogs, Multiple Pets, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DLXF7XL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_gl_i_K5SDT4K5KDY4CBPTP5FX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Comsmart Cat Water Fountain, 81 Ounce/2.4 Liters LED Pet Fountain Stainless Steel Automatic Drinking Water Dispenser for Cats, Dogs, Other Pets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SMPC3MD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_gl_i_T3FPE2KQXRT9129KWT26
Some good quality dry food, (better food, healthier cat), twice a day is usually enough, with wet food twice a week. Also keep a packet of treats on hand! Cat's love running water, so look at getting a cat water fountain! :) Bo will be with you for many years if you look after him well ^_^ https://www.amazon.com/Veken-Fountain-Automatic-Dispenser-Replacement/dp/B07DLXF7XL
My girl loves this one. Good luck!
> Thanks! My cat water fountain is enclosed so I can never tell how much water is left. This is a perfect use case for the spare Aqara leak sensor I've been sitting on.
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Looks like this one. I have the same brand. Does not include ramp, haha