Unfortunately, that looks familiar to what I started to see in my backyard a couple of years back. In my case, there were moles. I researched and tried a few options, though poison was ruled out from the get-go as it might harm or kill other animals, including pets. This is the product that I would recommend: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KMX9PKY. It is made well and, unlike cheaper buzzer sticks on the market, prevents moisture from getting inside, which is essential in our rainy area. To make the "installation" easier, I predrill holes in the ground with a cordless drill and an auger bit.
Hope this helps - good luck!
We used these when we had moles a couple years ago. We used them in combination with daily smashing of the tunnels. Took several weeks before we stopped seeing their tunnels.
A mole thumper. Driven flush with the ground, it sends out "thumps" that drive moles and gophers away.