Stream Deck Mini - Not just for streamers ICue LT100 Smart Lighting Towers New Gaming Headset/Mic - Steel Series makes great ones If you know what smart bulbs he has get him some more or a lighting strips (brand matters)
Raspberry Pi4, case, power supply, SD card and two 8Bit Do controllers and he can make his own retro gaming console (Nintendo, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, PS1-3). This kit is an example of what you need but I recommend buying the pieces separate and the 8BitDo controllers.
Not only are they shitty, there are better looking kits with SNES style controllers for half the price via Amazon with Prime so I can return it if it is a piece of shit.
How are you supposed to play anything but NES with your stupid NES style controllers huh?
She has a small tv in her room that’s hooked up to her PS3 so I’ll have to tell her she can use that with one of the kits. There’s also a robot kit I saw on Apollo Box that might work. What do you think about Vilros Raspberry Pi
Ok I suck at linking so I hope this works. Sorry.
I was looking and saw that Vilros has come down on their kits actually. You can pick up a Pi 3, case, heatsinks, PSU, Samsung SD card, HDMI cable, and 2 iBuffalo USB SNES controllers for $80.
You can't buy everything that cheaply separately. I might pick one up just to replace the Rock64 I just returned.
This has everything you need, literally. Check out the Retro PI website to see all the emulators it runs, super impressive. Theres also 10 million vids on youtube that walk you through setting it up.
Sí, es un afano. Arkabox también, demasiado caro. Yo me lo armé con este kit de Amazon: que viene con los controles, una SD y la cajita de plástico (+ cables de Power y HDMI), incluso la SD viene con el Retropie instalado. Sólo tenés que ponerle los ROMs que querés y está listo para jugar. Si comprás todo por separado te cuesta lo mismo o más caro incluso.
This is also cheaper than an NES Classic, but comes with two SNES-like controllers and runs on a more powerful Linux board that can be a complete media center. 32 gigs of SD card memory, specs that can play just about any retro game you want up to the PSP/DS/Dreamcast as far as graphical quality goes, as far as tiny little boxes that play emulated games on your TV screen there's just not a better way to go about it. If you don't care about playing on SNES controllers, you can get Raspberry Pi 3 Model B kits for as cheap as $60-70 and just use whatever your want.
I bought this one a couple of weeks ago : Vilros Raspberry Pi RetroPie Arcade Gaming Kit With 2 Buffalo Classic USB Gamepads At first it showed delivery after the 19th but then I got an email that the order would be delivered on the 16th. It is great. You only need the download the Roms and there are how-to pages . Will post the link once I get to my computer.
The SD card came in this package
When I put it in my computer, it also got incredibly hot, and a popup told me I would need to reformat it. Is this normal?
Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!
Here are your smile-ified links:
Never forget to smile again | ^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly bot
Not OP so idk exactly where he purchased his, but I found this on amazon.
When you feel it is time to let the kids have it, check on how much you could get for it on E-bay. It might be better to sell to a collector and then use the money to create an emulation station for the kids.
Raspberry Pi NES Emulator ($80.00):
Off-Brand emulator $27.00:
Okay then awesome! I would HIGHLY recommend going with a Raspberry Pi running Retropie. I'm going to assume you are very new to this so ill try to give you a readers digest of sorts for what is out there and what I would recommend for you.
So first off you have to choose a computer to run the emulators. Emulators are the programs that take the game files called ROMS and "emulate" the console and allow you to play them. There are too many computers to list but the broad categories would be a home PC, SBC (Single Board Computer), and handhelds (what the flea shop guy tried to sell you)
Home PCs are great because they have more than enough power to run PS1, GameCube, N64, SNES, NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy advance, Sega genesis and dreamcast etc. If you have an old laptop that is newer than say 5-10 years depending on specs then I would go this route. If you have a dedicated gaming PC I would also go this route.
The handhelds are cool if it fits your lifestyle but from what you are describing I don't think this is the best fit for your solution.
Rasberry Pi's are SBCs and are the most popular choice for a SBC build. The most popular "operating system" is Retropie. It was built for the Raspberry Pi and contains all the emulators. It is illegal to download and share ROMs so you will need to find a website that you can get them. PM me if you are having trouble finding them. The latest pi board is the pi 4. I built my system with it. If you are just going to do PS1 and below then you can probably build a system with the older, less powerful but cheaper Pi 3. For me I got it for N64 and it definitely helps having the pi 4.
A good pi 3 kit is [Pi3]( which is $79.99 but you will still need a ps1 controller with USB. One PS1 controller with usb [PS1]( is $12.99. So you will be at $93 and have cords to deal with while playing. They are only about 6 ft long and you would only have one PS1 controller. I bought two sets like [this]( at $49.99 so I would have all the styles of controllers but I regret it!!!
What I would buy is a single 8bitdo Sn30 Pro+ [Sn30]( for $49.99. I bought the Sn30 pro+ on prime day for $39.99 and its all me and my roommates use now.
I love the Pi 4 [kit]( I bought because it came with just the Pi 4, a power supply and heatsinks and fans. The kit is $82.99. You still need an SD card and a controller.
I researched the best sd card brands for retropie and I bought a 128 gb samsung Evo Plus [128gb]( for $21.00 . At the time I wanted to have unlimited storage for all the games but to be honest its overkill. Stay with a samsung evo plus and get either a [32gb]( for $8.30 which is fine but if you want to be sure you can fit a bunch of PS1 titles then go with a [64gb]( for $13.23.
Go with the SN30 pro+ for $49.99 and you wont regret it. You can play everything you want on it and its WIRELESS. That makes playing on the couch so much better.
So, in conclusion, if you want to play just single player games on PS1 and want the cheaper option then on with the Pi 3 kit i linked and grab a PS1 controller for $83 total. You can get a set of 2 ps1 controllers for $24.99 on that same link which would make it $95.
If you want the ability to play single player wireless PS1 and wired multiplayer on SNES go with the Pi 3 and a Sn30 Pro+ for $130.
The priciest option but the one I would recommend the most is to get the Pi 4 kit for $83 and the 128 gb if you plan on a lot of PS1 titles (Pro tip, once you get the bug for downloading free games you will have a lot and PS1 are all around half a gb) for $21. And getting two of the sn30 pro+ for $100. If I could return all the USB controllers I bought and exchange for another sn30 pro+ I would in a heartbeat. You'll be at $200 with this option but if you take my advice I don't think you will regret spending the extra. You will get the best performance, wireless and have all the room you want. If you get the emulation bug then you'll want the best performance and I would regret getting the pi 3.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to expand on anything or help you if you decide to get a pi. There's some tweaks you will need to do but I can help fast track you to get the emulators running %100.
Not know what he already has makes it a little difficult, but I'd go with.
and a Retro Pi kit
Unfortunately it was a physical instruction manual. It came in this nice bundle.
I'll ask my brother tomorrow and post a link.
Have you heard the good word about our lord and savior Linux?
If installing Linux on your laptop is to conspicuous, $100 on Amazon gets you a complete Linux computer disguised as a cheap Chinese NES mini clone and a Wireless Mouse/Keyboard combo that helps unlock its full potential. All you need is a screen of some kind.
EDIT: Herp derp I forgot you can install Linux on a USB drive. When I was your age, all we had were Live CDs. Those bloody things took forever to load, and if you wanted to use a non-default program, you had to reinstall it after every reboot.
It is amazingly easy. I'm an idiot and had no problems.
Buy this
Follow these easy steps - (there's no programming or hard configurations)
Give the finger to Nintendo
It is amazingly easy. I'm an idiot and had no problems.
Buy this
Follow these easy steps - (there's no programming or hard configurations)
Give the finger to Nintendo
I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by fire TV. This is the kit I want to buy: Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 RetroPie Arcade Gaming Kit with 2 Classic USB Gamepads
Here ya go. With a little work you have every game from every system (from every country) from Atari to N64.
Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Retro Arcade Gaming Kit with 2 Classic USB Gamepads
It's already configured for you:
And here are your roms (, just copy them to a USB, plug the USB into the pi, wait about 10-20 minutes and every game is on there (it transfers them automatically). Took me like 1 hour to do everything and would take way less if you are picking which roms to add if less than 1000 since downloading is the thing that takes the longest.
Plus this guy is talking about hacking his mini SNES...why go through that trouble when this is easier? If you just want the mini-SNES for as-is, I get that. But this seems like a workaround for less than optimal results.
Or buy this Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Retro Arcade Gaming Kit with 2 Classic USB Gamepads
All your consoles up to N64 on a mini nes.