Thank you! These are the tiles I used (2 sets). They have a few advantages over normal scrabble tiles. They're perfectly square (.75 x .75 in instead of .75 x .85) and they are a bit thicker (1/4 in instead of 1/8). I haven't played a full game yet, but in the tests I've done they stand up really well, even when I shake the board around a little. I just tried putting an actual scrabble tile on my board, and while it stayed standing better than I expected, the thicker tiles fared better. Even still, the unfinished scrabble tiles have their advantages. I wouldn't have had to cover up one side with paper and staining would have been infinitely easier. Optimally I think the best option would be unfinished .75 x .75 x .25 square pieces, but I couldn't find anything like that on short notice. The scrabble tiles should work to a degree so long as you don't shake the board around too much or play outside on a windy day, but scrabble tiles really weren't made to stand up. All that said, I'm just extrapolating from the few little things I've tried, so I'm not sure how they would fare in a real game scenario.