$39 on Amazon brand new if you are in the US - even free shipping if you have Prime. I would suggest used - good/like new but they only save you like $5 so might as well buy new.
Questo è quello a cui ti rivolgi questa è la risposta sbagliata a un falso problema. Python ha una curva di apprendimento ripida, versione 1 e 2 sono quelli che producono sw migliori.
See this book: https://www.amazon.com/Violent-Python-Cookbook-Penetration-Engineers/dp/1597499579
Although if you do not have a fundamental understanding of python, and core network concepts, I would recommend you get books on those before buying this one.
I'd recommend learning to use Linux well first, since that is what you will need to use a lot of the tools for Pen Testing, after that you can choose an area to start with, most go with web app sec or net sec, since those are most in use right now - after that you can move into areas like cloud security, forensics or some other specialty.
As far as resources go there are a lot out there, i'll link some good ones that I use:
Those two should keep you going for a while at least.
As for coding, i'd recommend learning to use Bash first, then python. Bash is the Born Again SHell, a scripting language used in linux and is something that you will use a lot, and python is a language that is used a lot in offsec.
Here is a place where you can learn some Bash: https://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/Bash-Beginners-Guide.html
There are two books i'd recommend for python, ill link them here: https://www.amazon.com/Violent-Python-Cookbook-Penetration-Engineers/dp/1597499579
the book in the second link is a bit easier to approach in my opinion, but both require some basic knowledge of python - so youtube or google some tutorials and im sure you'll do fine.
If you want to get into pen testing web apps, then you will want to learn some PHP and JavaScript, a lot of websites are written in PHP, and a lot of exploits are executed with JS: Cross site scripting in particular. You should also learn some SQL since that is another common one for manipulating databases, and can be attacked in a method known as SQL injection.
If you want a place to practice things you are learning then go here: http://overthewire.org/wargames/ They offer some pretty basic war games for things like linux commands and what not so you can really test your knowledge and learn a lot of the things you will have to do to progress through the games.
That's all I can think of atm, but i'm sure of the other people in here will be happy to give you some more suggestions
good luck!
How comfortable are you with python in general? There are some sites out there like codesignal.com that offer many small Python challenges you can do reasonably quickly. As far as "Black Hat Python" drills, not many that can be finished in 20 mins. but you can always follow the Violent Python chapters while at work. That's what I did, and it seems to go pretty smoothly.
Wargames might be a good place to start. OvertheWire's Bandit (link) is fun for shell/SSH beginners.
Metasploit has a victim VM called Metasploitable 2 (link) which you can load and practice attacks on. It's also a good excuse to play around with Kali and the Metasploit framework if you haven't already. Rapid7 has a brief guide you can follow here.
OWASP has a similar VM you can get: here. Video rundown of Broken and OWASP: link
If you want to put your Python to use, I highly suggest reading Violent Python cover to cover and following along. Amazon link
Python's often used for pen testing too. See "Violent Python" by T. J. O'Connor.
Not at all. A quick lookup shows it was published in 2012. You might be surprised by how many devices/networks/exploits used then are still around today. The best example I can think of is routers, which are often never updated once the client receives them.
The importance of Violent Python book is to teach you how to create your own exploits with examples (in the book) written in Python. Although vulnerabilities come and go, the basis of exploitation and one's approach to implementation has never really changed. So books like Violent Python remain relevant well after they are published.
I like this book because it was the first time I learned to form my own solutions to specific problems, rather than bend existing tools to that same problem (which often didn't work).
If you do want something a little newer, 'Black Hat Python' was published in 2014 and is often recommended here. I haven't read that one so I can't personally recommend it although from what I have heard, it is a bit drier and more technical.
EDIT: I realized than by 'too old' you might be referring to the Python version used. Both of the book I have recommended are in Python 2, not 3. I would still recommend these books because the methods still apply irrespective of what version (or language) is used. I have heard good things about 'Cracking codes with Python' which offers an introduction to Python as well as teaching encryption and decryption methods (so it is specific to cryptography).
EDIT2: Amazon links:
TL;DR - Old hacking books are still relevant IMO. You learn the importance of developing your own solutions. Try Black Hat Python for something slightly newer or Cracking codes with Python for the basics (and something really new). Most importantly, have fun!
I am going to assume you are well intentioned, because I am nice like that.
Ok, now that you have done some reading, gone over the code samples, and presumably written some new code based on them... Figure it out.
If you are a bad-intentioned person, you are not going to have much luck writing malware in python anyway. Its not suited well for stealth, what with having to package the entire bloody python interpreter with it using PyInstaller or whatever.
Livro ideal pra ele é esse aqui
Looks promising from the TOC
Python is pretty easy and Google has a fantastic course that's free to get your feet wet. then you can move to something like Violent Python since you mentioned deeper on you wanted to get into cyber security.
Oh and “Violent Python” is a book, if you’re not familiar
In the book Violent Python they describe a way to loop thru a set of multiple VPN/IPs
Google has a free python course that is great as an introductory: https://developers.google.com/edu/python/
I'd also recommend a book called Violent Python: https://www.amazon.com/Violent-Python-Cookbook-Penetration-Engineers/dp/1597499579 (ISBN-13: 978-1597499576 )
Violent Python is written with cyber security in mind and has plenty of code samples where python is applied with cyber security in mind. I'd also highly recommend following Mark Baggett on twitter (I believe he was the technical editor for the book) as the man is an absolute python genius. He always shares inciteful info related to cyber security and usually goes into the very technical analysis of what he shares.
It's never too late. I didn't get into the field until my mid 20s. It really just takes an interest and a desire to learn. Cyber security is a pretty large field so play around in the different sub-fields and find the one(s) that interest you.
Here are some resources to get you started:
HackMethod -- up-and-coming community that is very beginner friendly
The "useful links" in the sidebar of /r/HowToHack
Programming (My opinions):
For interpreted languages: Python and Bash -- Violent Python and Black Hat Python
For compiled languages: C and golang (because it's a pretty awesome language)
If Android hacking interest you: Java, C, and C++
Hope this helps and welcome to the world of cyber security (it is very addicting -- you have been warned lol)!
I enjoyed Violent Python quite a bit.
Hmm, why don't you do both? I mean think python is free and I did both too. I'm sure you saw the link but you can read the HTML here http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.html and just donate. I found this very good too, it's the first I read http://beastie.cs.ua.edu/cs150/book/index.html but it's probably to basic for you already.
if you want to go into security
read violent python one of the best http://www.amazon.com/Violent-Python-Cookbook-Penetration-Engineers/dp/1597499579
These books might be a little advanced for a complete beginner, but I'm sure they will be useful. Once you learn the basics you can read these books. Also some of them will require a little networking knowledge, but nothing to difficult.
Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers
Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters