Everyone's hating on this but if you look at the contents, it's all vegan recipes, just some (not all) have a tiny box saying something like "Non-vegans could also add a slice of cheese".
For me, I am vegan, but my boyfriend isn't. We like to eat together, and he eats vegan food with me, but he sometimes (not every day, before anyone says "imagine not being able to go one meal without dairy") will do something like add cheese to veggie burgers I make, or have ice cream with a dessert when I have sorbet. It's just a recipe book with things like that - sounds like perfectly reasonable to me.
Here’s a link to the book. You can see in the pictures it’s just a vegan cookbook but they put a non-vegan ingredient option on each recipe. Just seems like a way to piss off vegans and non-vegans.
Vegan btw 🎄🍀🌻🌷🌺🌹🌿🌿🌱🌵🌱🌳🍄🍄🍄