3x3840x2160 and the table is actually part of the monitor stand: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07581Z9SM
Honeycomb did share (on Facebook, I think) that they're working on a little pad that attached to the bottom of Bravo that'll hold a small tablet/mouse pad as well.
I got one of these for my wife and it works great too if you decide you dont like the TVs so close.
I bought this little guy for my laptop/TV - https://www.amazon.com/VIVO-Mobile-Trolley-Locking-STAND-TV04M/dp/B07581Z9SM
And then a cheapo music stand to hold bidons and whatnot
$65 TV stand and $35 tripod table off Amazon. Finished product looks like this:
I would look at something like that and a keyboard stand
I have this in front of me:
And this beside me with my mouse, a towel, water bottle, and phone:
Frees up sooo much room.
VIVO Universal Mobile TV Cart for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07581Z9SM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
If you are near a wall and you don't need this to be portable... two swing arm mounts might be a better alternative.
Looking at Amazon i see a couple of them (like https://www.amazon.com/VIVO-Mobile-Trolley-Locking-STAND-TV04M/dp/B07581Z9SM ) use a U-bolt style mount ( https://www.amazon.com/VIVO-Plasma-Wheels-Mobile-STAND-TV03E/dp/B00TFXO4Q4 uses two of them)
Once you get one, then you can buy a 2nd VESA pole mount (do research before and try to find the cart's pole diameter) or you could pick up two of stands and just mount both of the TV portions on one cart.
Just realize that if it tips over, you will most likely break both TVs.
Also be careful about the weight (especially since the center of gravity may be different than it was engineer for).