I picked up the vivosun 3x3. It's decently constructed and relatively inexpensive. They're running $99 on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DXYMKIO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_YKr1Fb0TC9TPD
I'm using viparspectra qb lights (pro series 2020 p1500) with 200w in.
I recommend getting the newest led revs you can afford, because the efficiency has gone up a lot over the years. Unless you are very cost sensitive, I'd stay away from older led and hid/mh types in a home grow. They work, and the efficiency of modern ones isn't awful, but they are not as safe, less reliable, and the cost savings even in the short run are getting to be marginal. If you assume legalization, after taking into account power and lamp replacement costs, the numbers are mostly unfavorable.
Often times they have stuff “scratch and dinged” for 30% less than that... my tent and fan were both “inspected” and I think I saved over $100 between the two of them.
For 3 plants I’d probably go with a 3x3x6, This is the one I bought and I love it. But to utilize your lights in a higher tent you would need to put them on some rope hangers to move up and down to keep the light the proper distance from your canopy.
Saved this comment from a fella in micro grocery to start my set up
These are suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything.
Read this guide - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ Read this guide too: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
• Grow Tent: 3 ft x 3 ft x 6 ft is the size you'd probably want. This is the one I bought: https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Hydroponic-Observation-Window-Growing/dp/B01DXYMKIO • Light: https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Kingbrite-240W-samsung-lm301h-288v3-quantum_62120261175.html?spm=a2700.7803241.0.0.31d73e5fhFxf6a This light is a fantastic LED quantum board that is very easy to assemble - I got the 3000K one with the epistar • Fabric Pots: Head to Amazon and grab yourself a 5-pack of 7 gallon fabric pots https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Gallons-Thickened-Nonwoven-Handles/dp/B00TF9E9PY/ • Also get yourself a saucer (you can get this at any garden store) and a pot elevator for each pot (pot elevator example: http://amazon.ca/Gro-Pro-725675-Level-Elevator/dp/B01J37FHF8/) • Soil: Get yourself a bail of Pro Mix HP with mycorrhizae (it's cheap, reliable, and hard to overwater) from Canadian Tire, Rona, any store really and get also a bag of earthworm castings. Cover the bottom of your fabric pot with the castings (2-3 inches deep) https://www.homehardware.ca/en/20l-organic-worm-castings/p/5025712 • Nutrients: Gaia Green Dry Amendments (All Purpose and Power Bloom) Mix the All Purpose in with your Pro-Mix HP and then top dress your "soil" every month, changing it to Power Bloom during flowering https://www.canadiangardensupply.com/gaia-green-all-purpose-4-4-4.html https://www.canadiangardensupply.com/gaia-green-power-bloom-2-8-4-power-bloom-2-8-4-2kg.html • Ventilation: Get the AC Infinity Cloudline T4 - it's absolutely worth it. Then purchase a 4-inch carbon filter and 4 inch tubing from Amazon (branding doesn't matter for these two things) https://www.amazon.ca/AC-Infinity-CLOUDLINE-T4-Ventilation/dp/B06ZXWN3BG https://www.amazon.ca/AC-Infinity-Dual-Layer-Aluminium-Ventilation/dp/B071LHCFZ8 https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Australia-Charcoal-Pre-filter-Included/dp/B01DXYMBU6 • Timer: You can go cheap on this, but also consider a smart timer (like a Wemo) https://www.amazon.ca/Insight-Switch-Enabled-Compatible-Amazon/dp/B00EOEDJ9W • Seeds: Jahseeds.ca - Canadian breeder, amazing beans, amazing price! Go with feminized seeds for your first round. https://jahseeds.ca/shop?olsPage=t%2Ffeminized-seeds
Extra accessories
• Pruning shears (seperate ones for trimming live plants and ones for harvesting) https://www.amazon.ca/Pruning-Gardening-Straight-Stainless-Precision/dp/B076HL5JJM • a lighter (for sanitizing) • a set of tweezers, for planting your sprouted seed • some garden gloves • rope ratchets for your lights • zips ties for protecting things • binder clips (for low stress training) • plant ties (soft rubber and wire kind) • watering can • two pairs of measuring spoons for dry amendments • a clip on fan and rotating fan (for air circulation over and under the canopy) • markers and a pack of tag plant markers for identifying plants • soil moisture https://www.amazon.ca/Soil-Moisture-Sensor-Meter-Hydrometer/dp/B014MJ8J2U • paper towels (for germination) • Bucket Head Wet Dry Vacuum Powerhead Lid for 19 Litre (5 Gal.) Multi-Use Buckets great for gathering up the excess water and tipped soil) https://www.homedepot.ca/product/bucket-head-wet-dry-vacuum-powerhead-lid-for-19-litre-5-gal-multi-use-buckets/1000666690 • 3 five gallon buckets (1 for the buckethead vacuum and 2 for extra water reservoirs) and two lids • 3 surge protector power bars • Various AC power extension cables • 1 trellis net (for ScrOG training) • USB microscrope (used to check the trichomes at harvest - if you want you can also get an adapter so it plugs directly into your smartphone, as opposed to plugging it into a computer) https://www.amazon.ca/Jiusion-Magnification-Endoscope-Microscope-Compatible/dp/B06WD843ZM • 62% Boveda packs for curing • Mason jars for curing and storage • hanging rack for drying (you can substitute this for a hanger and some plant ties) • Duct tape
It's a little more expensive at the start, but this setup will pay for itself within two harvests. With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 12 oz every run, once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
Fellow canuck! Welcome!
These are suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything.
Read this guide - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ Read this guide too: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
Extra accessories
It's a little more expensive at the start, but this setup will pay for itself within two harvests. With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 12 oz every run, once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
Recently went through this with the SO as well and managed to get the whole utility room, have it filled with;
This tent $140 (3' x 3' x 6'): Vivosun off Amazon
And this light $270 (240W LED): Kingbrite QB
Also this inline fan $130 (6"): AC Infinity Cloudline
It's tight in there, let me tell you, but I am glad I went with the taller/bigger setup. At first I was going to go with a smaller tent, but honestly now I wish I got the expandable Gorilla Grow tent for even taller plants. You get the picture, the hobby grows on you rapidly. Good luck man, I am rooting for you.
VIVOSUN 36"x36"x72" Mylar... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DXYMKIO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
There are a couple vents at the bottom of the tent, but I have them velcro'd shut (would that not leak light/odor?). My tent is similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Hydroponic-Observation-Window-Growing/dp/B01DXYMKIO
This may be a good tent, I had a small Vivo for awhile but moved up to a spider farmer which I find a good fit for Me.
These are my suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything!
Read these guides (not by me) - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ And this one: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
The links and suggestions below are oriented for Canadians, so feel free to ask for alternatives.
Extra accessories
With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 10 oz every run (even with autos), once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
I second StonerSn0rlax's view to start off with coco-coir or soil.
These are my suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything!
Read these guides (not by me) - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ And this one: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
The links and suggestions below are oriented for Canadians, so feel free to ask for alternatives.
Extra accessories
With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 10 oz every run (even with autos), once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
These are my suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything!
Read these guides (not by me) - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ And this one: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
Extra accessories
With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 10 oz every run (even with autos), once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
This is the tent I bought https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01DXYMKIO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_5PcmFbT5Z80G2
Kept it simple. All you need to grow, except time, and patients. If you have any questions, you can DM me.
4 inch exhaust fan, with carbon filter, Also Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Air-Filtration-Kit-Controller/dp/B06XFRNPR8/ref=sr_1_58_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=4+inch+exhaust+fan&qid=1587936960&sr=8-58-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzNEwzMkRQUkJRU0QyJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTI1NTA4MzZUT0JXNk1VMzhRTSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjMzMjcwMlY5U0RLN0Q3SUdTRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2J0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydW
240W Quantum board, from Kingsbrite, on Alibaba.. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Kingbrite-3500K-Samsung-lm301b-Quantum-led_60804816911.html?fullFirstScreen=true
Grow bags, You will need 1,3,5 gallon. You can skip the 1 and 5 if you grow Autos. You shouldn't repot an Auto. Also on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/OPULENT-SYSTEMS-Aeration-Thickened-Containers/dp/B07J1K4MJB/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=grow+bag&qid=1587937098&sr=8-5
Seeds, get from Nirvana seeds.
Soil. Fox farm happy frog. Also from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Fox-Farm-FX14082-Happy-Potting/dp/B00S3X7Q5I/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=happy+frog&qid=1587937239&sr=8-7
Nutrients. Feed every other watering. Also can get from Amazon.. https://www.amazon.com/Fox-Farm-FX14049-Nutrient-Formula/dp/B00572026S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fox+farm+nute&qid=1587937291&sr=8-1
These are my suggestions - feel free to ask more questions if you need anything!
Read these guides (not by me) - I wish I had had something like this when I started: http://homegrow-pro.com/quantum-board-build-grow-tent/ And this one: http://homegrow-pro.com/the-3x3-grow-tent-setup/
The links and suggestions below are oriented for Canadians, so feel free to ask for alternatives.
Extra accessories
With this setup you can expect to yield between 8 to 10 oz every run (even with autos), once you grow accustomed to the cycle.
perfect so it is meant to exhaust the air from the tent to outside. Do I need to do anything in regards to adding fresh air? Or will just exhausting the air out somehow give it some air because of the negative pressure.
Here is a link to the tent if it matters.
edit: Wow, thanks so much! You broke my reddit golden cherry haha :) Much appreciated.
>would that quantum 260w still be better than the quantum 135w for a 2x2 tent?
The 135w kit will be plenty for a 2x2 space, didnt see you were talking about a 2x2. The 260w kit is WAY too much in a 2x2.
Here's a 3x3 vivosun $90 with prime shipping on amazon and is plenty tall.
You should be training your plants via topping/LST/scrog to make them fill horizontally more so than vertically. My plants are never more than about 2' tall from base of stem to the top. Example that plant was 8" tall and yielded about 4-5 ounces
>as for DIY, it's enticing but I think i want a one-stop shop type situation to keep things easier to get going faster should i decide to go for it since i'm so excited about starting.
That's no problem. Go for the quantum board kits then. They're quasi DIY, meaning you need to still wire them up and all but it's so easy to do. They have wiring diagrams on their site. You poke the wires into the connectors on the boards and use wago connectors to connect wiring. There's no soldering or anything required. Wago connectors have levels you lift up and put the wires in and close the levels to connect. The LED strips in the diy setup are the same way but you need to build your own frame, only difference.
Vivosun3x3 i like it was easy to put together
Idk what size you’re looking for but here’s a 6x3x3’ (and they come in bigger sizes too)