I don't know how practical it would be for him, but you can pick up a 6 inch duct fan, and carbon filter on Amazon that I'd imagine would get rid of the smell. Here's an example: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01EV10FI0/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_hYe0Eb0Y81EPZ
People regularly use these to make grow ops smell proof. I imagine cigarette smoke will eventually clog it up though. The fans are incredibly powerful, and shouldn't have any issues sucking in the smoke, and blowing it out the filter.
I'm getting this inline fan from amazon to replace my loud chineese fume extractor. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOSUN-Inline-Control-Australia-Charcoal/dp/B01EV10FI0/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1522884401&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=6in%2Binline%2Bfan%2Bwith%2Bcarbon%2Bfilter&th=1
I bought a activated charcoal filter and fan for a marijuana grow tent from Amazon, it did a good job getting the stink from our Epson s80600 to be more manageable. and it was only about $150
None of the popular consumer brands will do squat to filter out cooking smells.
You need activated carbon (or another adsorbent) and a lot of it. None of the more popular brands have more than a few hundred grams, if that. You want like...10+ pounds. Brands like Austin Air, IQAir, AirMedic, and a handful of others will do it, but if all you care about is filtering out odors (not particulates) you can do it for much less as long as you don't need it to be pretty.
The cheapest way to go is to get one of these or one of these. I have both! They're cheap, have lots of carbon, and these two in particular are reasonably quiet for the amount of air they move. The former is definitely not going to win any design awards, but it is the bigger of the two and has a huge carbon filter that's cheap to replace. Certainly no worse than a stove hood on full blast.
Because they are only carbon filters, they will add particulates to your air and may emit a very slight charcoal odor, but it doesn't bother me too much. If either of those two things are a problem you can look at the aforementioned brands, or if you prefer the DIY route you can get higher quality adsorbents in bulk here.
I've ran two complete seed to harvests so far with my quantum boards from Kingbrite on Alibaba and they're an amazing value. 2x 240W LM301H comes to about 430 CAD total (Theres also a 30 dollar customs fee) and they can flower a 4x4 tent very nicely and far more efficiently than a 900W blurple light.
I just did the math and the price is almost identical for you to buy a 4x4 tent on amazon (129.99 - 159.99 depending on brand) along with a fan / filter combo (169.99 Vivosun, cant smell a thing I use it) as well as getting 2x 240W Quantum Boards from Kingbrite (430.00 CAD)
If you have to pay tax at the growlights store (Guessing you would because they're Canadian) then it will easily be $100 more going that route and then theres the fact your light won't be nearly as good.
I read the specs of a 900W Mars II and it consumes 354 watts of power where the QBs use their full combined 480W (completely dimmable if needed). Not only quantum boards more powerful in wattage the technology they use blows blurples and most other LEDs away. The strength of these lights is incredible and will pay itself off over and over again with some of the highest yields LED lights can achieve at the moment.