A tent is definitely cheaper and easier to work with. Also can collapse for storage and is coated with reflective Mylar inside and a removable washable inlay for easy cleaning.
Something like this,
VIVOSUN 60"x60"x80" Mylar Hydroponic Grow Tent with Observation Window and Floor Tray for Indoor Plant Growing 5'x5' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DXYM98K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_unfQFbE80K86E?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
but they come in a lot of different sizes. There are also cheaper brands than Vivosun. Everything you need is on Amazon at a good price.
Mars Hydro makes good lights. I opted for a couple 600w units rather than one large one for versatility. Make sure you have a ventilation system with intake and exhaust fans, enough small fans to keep the air moving and getting too hot, soil seems to be easier than hydroponics for me. I use a 2 part soil, 1 part coco, 1 part perlite mix for my plants, works really well. I use Fox farm ocean forest soil with Fox farm Nutes starting 2-3 weeks after germination. I also distill my water just so I know what I’m working with. You’ll need pH meter, an LST system, other miscellaneous things for rigging the gear and planting.
If the clear tent doesn't work out, you should try one of the grow tents - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DXYM98K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have three cats and they completely ignore it. They're only a little curious when I go inside or bring plants out. I've even got a catnip plant inside.
I've had this one for over 6 years now: https://www.amazon.ca/VIVOSUN-Hydroponic-Observation-Window-Growing/dp/B01DXYM98K
It's still fine. Zipper still works well, and it works for me through many, many grows. You can guy similar brands what I think are likely from the same Chinese manufacturer. Lol
You really don't have to spring for an expensive tent like a Gorilla Tent if you're not planning on abusing it. Those higher-end tents are also designed to eliminate light infiltration through things like zippers or sewing along seams, but that's specific for the more paranoid cannabis growers and really offers no advantage to pepper plants.
I have two Spider Farmer SF -2000s in a 5x5 tent. I use Gen. Hydro Nutrients trio and also throw in a bit of Pro Silicate in there.
I also use the AC Infinity 8 inch
And have some small fans and a really small dehumidifier.
I grew a sativa dom hybrid in coco.