If you want an inexpensive SPL meter, get an app for your phone.
Otherwise this one is the first one that appears on Amazon.
Since a UMIK-1 or UMIK-2 requires plugging into a computer to get readings, and Radio Shack is gone, I ended up ordering a VLIKE SPL meter a while back. Seemed to be a good option for accuracy and functionality at a reasonable price, compared to other choices.
It's not the most scientific but it's better than nothing, I take the decibel meter from the link below and cover one headphone with my hand with the mic in the cup to seal it best as possible. I then try to keep it from peaking no louder than 71 decibels. I also keep it on all day with my monitors and try to keep it from not peaking over 82-84 decibels, which I found is the best volume in my space.
Firstly, are you sure relations have been soured that you really cannot go talk to her directly? It really would be easier than fighting. Don't come at her aggressively, just explain how you are feeling and how it is affecting your life and you cant sleep etc and that you would love to co-exist peacefully and are willing to work with her but you need to be able to sleep during the city's mandated quiet hours.
Secondly, if you are only not moving to spite her and things have really deteriorated, then you should re-examine your motivations because the world is full of shitty immature people and trying to win battles against every one you come across is going to leave you poor and miserable. If its a financially sound decision and not going to be an enormous setback, you should move. I've lived places where the management authority cant summon two fucks to help you with your problems but the minute your dues/rent are late they crawl up your ass with a flashlight and set up camp. Call it a lesson to vet your potential future home better and move on.
If this person is truly being this loud, then you could probably talk with the neighbors opposite you and above/below. That may encourage the HOA to act sooner or more aggressively if you get 3-4 or more households on board. When does your HOA board meet next? Could you attend and bring up this issue directly?
Also, I am not terribly fond of this saying, but it is accurate. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so you should be calling the manager and hoa president every day they do not call you back. keep following up with anyone from the HOA/management, and locate a copy of your bylaws and rules and see what the specific verbiage is for noise if one exists and how the HOA is suppose to handle complaints. Is there a fee for dealing with problems? I doubt it, but it could be.
If you do want to fight it out, then consistency is key. Call the non-emergency police number every night she is violating the noise ordinance and keep your own records. If its super obvious take video while its happening with the time. You can buy a decibel meter on Amazon, or download an app on your phone but in my experience your phones Mic is going to give really poor readings so a decibel meter is better. Look up the specific ordinance and keep a copy of it handy for reference. Record your readings and provide them the officers and the HOA as part of your complaints.
Also what did you mean by this in your previous thread?
>officers visit on 2 previous occasions, both sided with her
If they did and it was within the quiet hours, then fuck them. Keep calling.
Anyway good luck.
> I don't know how this db thing works , amateur in that knowledge!
dB (decibel) is the measurement of the loudness of sound. A ±3dB change is a slight but noticeable change in the volume of a given sound. However, while the sound level change is slight, the Power change is Double or Half.
There are a variety of SPL Meter (Sound Pressure Level or Loudness) Apps for both Apple and Android Smart Phones.
There are even full Audio Analyzers for Smart Phones -
This one is said to be pretty good -
Most will add an external Microphone as the internal mics are not that good -
And there are a wide range of actual SPL Meters available -
This is the one I recently bought -
They can be mounted to a camera stand with an adapter, which is included in the SPL Meter Package.
First step, get an SPL meter (aka a noise meter). Set it to "A weighting" and "slow"
The way that the construction noise code is written is a bit confusing:
If you are seeing consistent violations (either starting early or being too loud), call the city and complain. The contractor can be cited and pay fines. You won't be able to stop them from demoing or building the new building, you can only hold them to the city code.
This is the one I have. It’s a bit pricier but is an absolute tank with quite a massive feature set.
I believe my friend has this one https://www.amazon.com/VLIKE-Digital-Decibel-Measurement-Measuring/dp/B01N2RLJ32/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1513793275&sr=8-8&keywords=spl+meter that i can borrow.