Buy one of these so you don't have to yell:
What supplies are you short on? I can tell you what to buy and what not to bother with, and how to make what you get last.
You have to start meditating during your breaks. You can find many online meditations on YouTube, for example. This will help you stay calm.
Accept that, for some of these kids, you ARE nothing but a babysitter. It's tragic, but it's true. I do believe good schools can make a difference, but that has to start at the top - at the school district and with admin.
WHAT does your admin. have to help? Do you have a school counselor?
>These students literally feel that they should be yelled at. I can only attribute this attitude to the dean.
I've subbed at schools like this. I would not attribute it only to the dean. There's an awful lot of yelling that goes on in many households.
Then kids come to school and we expect them to be quiet for large parts of the day. Such a f-ing mismatch.
This is why I keep saying, we will NEVER be able to solve the educational problems in current America with the educational tools we use now, which are left over from the 1800s.
I don't mean technology. I mean we should have smaller classes. Boys schools and girls' schools for pre-teens and teens, more career-track graduation paths. So many changes are needed.
Have you thought of wearing one of these? That way you'd be LOUD, which is what they know, but you don't have to yell.