I agree with u/Thea_From_Juilliard, but I would try to push back on this insecurity a little bit. I think its a cultural thing where we feel guilty for being full, but biologically it is for the best. It helps you stay on the diet long term - because for most people they quit their diet because they are too hungry. I struggled with this guilt (of feeling bad if I felt full) for a loooooooong time, and some things that have helped me feel better:
1) Watching YouTubers that eat this way, and how theyve been able to lose weight. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, and validates my strategy. I really like HighCarbHannah and Plantiful KiKi (I'm not vegan, but their vibe is excellent and not body builder-esque). But there are so many to pick one. I also have gotten really into Katie Crokus's instagram, and Lillie Eats and Tells. It's validating to see others who have this style of eating and success.
2) Jeff Novick's talk https://youtu.be/0CdwWliv7Hg (Again theres a vegan vibe, I used to be vegan, what can I say?) on why this strategy works and the science behind it. Also, this book by Barbara Rolls : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004V541XM/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 - this is one of the few diets that has DECADES of scientific research that backs it up.
3) Not tracking. To be honest, I only track when my weight gets too low. Like - my clothes start fitting really loosely, and my bf calls me skeletor. (It's loving, I swear.)
If I'm trying to lose weight, I stop when I'm full and eat a high volume meal when I'm hungry again. Sometimes this means one salad lasts two meals.
4) You don't have to do high volume all the time! When I'm maintaining, I eat high volume at breakfast and lunch, then relax and eat whatever at dinner. If my breakfast and lunch are clocking in at under 800 calories, I know my dinner won't blow my budget no matter what.
5) Start gradually. I think a lot of recipes on this sub are posted by expert level volume warriors. But, you don't need to eat 9 cups of anabolic ice cream, or a full pound of zuchinni for breakfast. A bowl of normal oatmeal with an apple, or a cup of halo top is still volume eating. Gradual is much more sustainable.
Ultimately though, your mental health is more important. If this is causing too much anxiety, there are many other plans that work. "If it fits your macros", "Keto", "Intermittent Fasting", "Weight-Watchers",...its endless. Find something that works for you, or take little bits and pieces of everything and make something that works for you :)