I picked up these pricking irons and I've had pretty decent luck with them. They're not very sharp, but all of the stitches line up and they haven't broken yet.
And my biggest piece of advice is to get good needles. Good needles don't cost much and they're so so so much better than cheap needles. I bought one pack of John James needles a year ago and haven't broken a single one (though I did bend a couple with the pliers).
Pricking irons, if you give them a few wacks extra or sharpen them yourself they will go all the way through, no awl required. I'm reasonably happy with these for the price they are way better than what tandy was selling.
These but they are/were cheap, and are dulling. I'm in the market for a nice new set depending on how well reviewed the ones I'm looking at are.
If you decide to go the pricking iron route and don't want to pay an arm and a leg...
I got these en route from China, couple people have commented that they're adequate.
I've been working on assembling the necessary things to start stitching:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LKUWN5O/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 http://www.mainethread.com/product159.html (.030 Brown)
http://www.mainethread.com/product112.html ( #2)
How's my list look? I've got packages coming from Japan, China, and all over the U.S. this month!
These showed up in a thread earlier this week? Reviews on amazon and from other people here said they were fine/good.
Most likely. I'm about to get into things requiring sewing myself and here's what I've bought so far:
http://www.mainethread.com/product159.html (.030 Brown)
http://www.mainethread.com/product112.html ( #2)
Also he'll need some kind of exacto type hobby knife, but those are everywhere, ruler's and a cutting board, but you may have those (even a kitched cutting board), a wooden, rawhide, or plastic mallet is helpful: