combination apple air tag, bike alarm, Good uncuttable chain and lock never can be to careful if you have to leave it outside, but best to keep inside.
First time had a cheap lock, cut a gone blink of an eye. but found him with apple air tag got lucky i got it back. Better to have as many deterrents as possible to make your look least bit one to steal.
I recommend this for chain a lock. Supposedly bolt cutter proof.
You need a . pewag hardened steel chain They have to be cut on both sides, which takes time, especially if they can't get a good angle on the chain. Creates tons of noise and sparks if someone takes an angle grinder to your bike. I imagine that one of those on the rear wheel and a separate one through the frame, along with security nuts on the wheels, seatpost, e.t.c. wouldn't be worth the hassle. Here's a demonstration of an angle grinder vs a pewag chain in a vice. I'd definitely go with a gps tracker as well, as others have suggested, and the stickers wouldn't hurt either.