Interestingly enough, to the best of one of his biographer's ability to tell (see here for a really worthwhile read), Walt Disney wasn't, as said below, any more anti-Semitic or racist than most at the time (not forgiving it but it appears he actually was relatively tolerant for the day, even attempting pretty hard to be understanding with "Song of the South" though that ended up going pretty badly in the public eye). Funnily enough for the present conversation though, his strong right wing leanings came about because he hated Communists and Russia so much because he perceived them (probably wrongly) as trying to destroy his studio.
I just finished the Walt Disney biography by Neal Gabler..well, the audio book actually. This list was fun to look at with the stories behind each of the films still fresh in my head. Here's a link to the book if anyone's interested. This was my second time going through to book and I highly suggest it to anyone interested in the life of Walt. Thanks again for the compilation OP!