On a side note, if she loves cats, the Warriors series is great. there's tons of books (start with Into the Wild), probably all pretty cheap since they're popular. I've loved them since 5th grade, they're young adult books about wild cats living in their own clans/society. There are also Warriors manga, too! They function more as side stories, so it helps if she's read the main books, but it probably isn't necessary for some. Here's one on amazon, cheap and cheaper if you get it used: https://www.amazon.com/Warriors-Rise-Scourge-Erin-Hunter/dp/0061478679/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467515373&sr=8-2&keywords=warriors+manga
just fyi, the warriors series does have some violence (cats fighting, dying in battle) if that's an issue. It's still aimed at kids though.
He reminds me of Scourge from the warrior cats series! He's even doing the same pose!