How high of a grade is the c in florida? Each state has different terminology. witht hat said... - take both the water treatment and water distribution practice exam. Here in Maryland, I had a lot of distribution type questions on the highest and second highest water treatment exam. If you're consistently scoring in the 80s or higher than you should be ready.
watersifu - podcasts that are geared for people to pass their exams.
Buy both of those books and do all the practice exams. Ive passed every exam by simply doing practice questions over and over. Use the Sacramento books only as a guide to lookup stuff that you want more info on rather than read stright through it imo.
Is class one the easiest? How long have you been in the field? I recommend two practice exam books?
That’ll set you back only 50 or get your company to pay for it.
Go to and do both treatment and water distribution exams. Once you are getting 80+ each time you’re ready for the exam.
Lastly has podcast for those prepping for exam.
Fuck any big ass textbook, as you’re right there is too much info to learn. Do the practice exams over and over and you’ll pass. I’ve passed the two highest grades in my state without a day of experience as an operator.