Get this instead . It is basically a giant plastic bag, It fits in your tub, even has a pump. I keep this and 2 buckets of mountain house freeze dried meals in my house. Not a prepper, but you never know when food or water service will be interrupted.
Water BOB... as soon as you suspect something is wrong start filling this thing with water in your tub.
If you live on the coast and have a bathtub, I would recommend investing in a waterbob some point. They're like $35, they hold 100 gallons, and they don't take up much room for storage. Flashlights are good, but battery powered lanterns are better light sources for a room. Above all, make sure you have some bug spray.
Amazon has water storage bags that fit in your tub (let me know if I need to edit the link out) if your tub leaks like my in-laws' or you get squicked out by drinking tub water.
Is it worth it?
35 bucks. Free 2 day shipping with amazon prime. The box is about the size of a good novel and fits easily under the bathroom sink.
It may never be used, but in the event that it's needed, you'll probably be happy that you got it. Are you in a state where 35 bucks and a tiny bit of space under your bathroom sink is nothing to you? If so, then I see no reason not to get it.
I have one. It's under my sink. It cost the same as going out to lunch a couple of times and it's completely out of the way.
Too late for Ian but I recommend getting a WaterBob if there’s a likelihood you need to use the water in the tub for drinking.
Have it ready, and if it looks like you’ll need it only fill it then.
Or if you want to be fancy you can use a WaterBOB.
I keep a knockoff version that is built as well but didn't include the pump as I have a hand pump already, saved a few bucks.
If you are in an area that gets storms every few years or has water outages, get a WATERBOB. Its a single use food grade plastic bag with a manual siphon pump that you unfold in your tub, fill from the tub spigot and will keep your water clean an potable far longer than just filling the tub itself. Also, most tub drains will drain some water even when closed. WATERBOB prevents leakage. The bag costs around $35.
Water Bob is a good place to start for water peace of mind.
Based on what you've said in this thread, it seems like your most reasonable preps will be for bad weather. Do you have a small shovel and bag of salt in your vehicle for winter? How about an extra pair of gloves and a hat just for the car, or an emergency food stash if you get stranded somewhere? Flashlights are always a good, cheap thing to have on hand as well.
This thing is very handy.
WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water Container, Comes with Hand Pump, Disaster and Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1 Pack)
One of the most useful things I've seen is a plastic liner for your tub. When a storm is coming or right after an emergency before the water is shut off, you fill the liner to the brim and add some capfulls of bleach. Very useful for those living in apartments where they can't store very many jugs of water. Holds up to 100 gallons.
Figure out where your water comes from. Call your local utility and ask.
Figure out if you have a water tower/community cistern, residential well, group well, etc.
If you are on a mechanical system with no buffer, then keeping your water on hand is a good idea.
If you have a tower or cistern, try to figure out its capacity, how many people draw from it, and Figure out how many hours you have - your elevation vs its elevation.
If you are on resirvour water from a lake and it's gravity fed, then as long as the rivers feeding the lake are going... you probably have water, dependant on what facility equipment is feeding the outbound water.
Buy something like this, fill it up when your spider senses tell you it's more than just a regular outage.
WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water Container, Comes with Hand Pump, Disaster and Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1 Pack)
>ireplace? No fire pit/ring? No hobo/ penny stove? No survival twig stove? No military surplus stove? No wood for ground fire?
For the water in the tub, you could grab something like a WaterBob too, then you dont need to worry about outside contaminants.
I keep one of these in the towel closet of all my bathrooms for this purpose
WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water Container, Comes with Hand Pump, Disaster and Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1 Pack)
Some gallons on hand to last a few days.
Waterbob for quick ~70 gallons/tub leading up to a disaster.
Lifestraws, filters, and/or tablets for long term water solution, with boiling as a backup. We've got a 20 gallon rain barrel, with a plan for about 1200 gallon cistern we could draw from for this.
Fellow long islander here
Plan to bug IN not OUT, as someone who was an adult during 9/11 I clearly remember what it was like when NYC got shut down, lines for the PJ ferry stretched all the way to RT. 112, if SHTF there is no escape
In fact if your old enough to remember the story that’s why the Shoreham nuclear power plant never got finished, there’s no feasible way to evacuate the island
So plan to stay in place for weeks/months if things get bad, so what do you need?
Well for starters you need water: this is a must for starters
Plan to stock up on non perishables obviously and plan to have a place to hide your stash and a smaller decoy stash in place, in a prolonged scenario people will start to eat each other (figuratively) and home invasions will become the norm
Which leads to another must, home defense, the best line of defense in a worst case scenario is to make you house not look like a target, boarded windows on the ground floor might be necessary, they won’t keep people out, but it will be impossible to get in without alerting you
I’d suggest a firearm, LI pistol laws suck but you can get a shotgun or rifle easy and fast if you pass the background check so I suggest that, not that your going to turn into rambo and save your neighborhood, but i wouldn’t bug in long term without one
There’s more but I figure that touches the tip of the iceberg, if you need to bounce ideas off me go ahead
The water bobs are a very handy thing to have. Just a simple food grade water bladder that sits in your tub and has a handy pump.
I have a bunch of camping gear and recommend getting a few sawyer mini filters. They last forever, can be stored until needed and can filter a TON of water. I normally filter and boil water, but for an emergency situation, the water in the tub shouldn’t need a boil for at least a few days.
We have a couple of these bathtub water storage things of which, a month ago and living in Texas we actually used I’d start those going. Then I’d grab our guns, ammo, (again, Texas) knives, and other useful tools and centralize them as quickly as I could.
From there I’d start using any lumber we had in the garage and breaking down any bare wood (stronger wood first, obviously) things we had and start securing the doors, windows, and other exits while choosing an escape route.
We actually have a ton of canned goods and meat in the deep freeze. I have plenty of charcoal and a big grill, so as long as I had a way to secure the yard and if they weren’t attracted to bbq smoke I could cook if needed. If not, use it in the garage and cut holes at the top of the door and bring the carbon monoxide detectors out. We have enough to last us several weeks or more due to COVID-19 and the winter storm.
From there...kick ass and play UNO.
Or, I could start ranting about it being a conspiracy and refusing to board anything up, refuse to gather weapons/tools, and refuse to have a viable way of storing water/power/food and put memes online about how the government can’t make me. ( of Texas...)
We we're lucky that we are impulsive and have disposable income. Thus, we had a lot of water, blankets, wool socks, and battery powered lights on hand. I just happened to have a snow shovel (for leaves and rocks) and we just happened to have two extra power banks for phones (Pokemon Go).
I do want to prep for future disasters though, mainly because I feel like we should have had more to share with our neighbors. I agree with another poster here, that community is the most important thing in a disaster. We walked around passing out gallons of water on Wednesday and shoveled snow for all of our neighbors, but I wish I could have done more.
I plan on buying a water storage bladder for the bathtub Like this. I also want to get a little camping stove and mini propane tanks, wool blankets, and a small solar generator.
I’m in hurricane ally. I’ve used the water bob for every hurricane for the last few years. Saved my ass during Florence.
If you have any warning before a disaster or before water shuts down, then filling up your bathtub with clean water is HUGE - 50 gallons or more. Just be sure your drain is totally sealed.
Here is a product designed for emergency use
You can buy these big bath bags that fill with water, and are closed to the air, so your fresh water doesn't get dusty or dirty..... Amazon probably sells them.
Here's one:
Also, if you're worried about Potable water, check out local camping supply stores for a LifeStraw (or similar) water filter. I use one while camping instead of lugging ten gallons of water into the woods. It'll clean up the scummiest pond water into clear drinkable stuff.
It doesn't filter out things like oil contamination, though, so fill up your bathtub. They're sold out for obvious reasons, but something like this really helps.
Raid your recycling for containers, too. Fill up all you can while you can.
Best wishes.
Maybe too late unless some camping store or Walmart sells it but if you're going to continue to live in a potential disaster zone buy one of these:
Or order it from Amazon and do next day delivery if possible. This will get you the ability to instantly store 100gallons of drinking water.
They also sell basically giant bath tub sized "balloons" that are handy if you're in a place with unreliable utilities. I'm not sure how big a tub is but they probably hold at least 80 gallons.
Edit: this one holds 100
yeah I have a five 5 gallon carboy full of beer (different varieties) that i'm fermenting in a cool closet and beers in bottles that are carbonating for a few weeks. I'm totally prepared in an emergency situation. I should get one of these in case shit goes down I can quickly fill up and store 100 gallons in my bathtub
In addition to stored water and filtration, I have one of these: The drawback is that you have to anticipate a water outage and fill it up before. My plan is to fill it up within a couple hours of s power outage, but I live in a desert and it never freezes.
WaterBobs are a great purchase in my opinion. 100 gallon bathtub insert to keep water clean and fresh during an emergency for only $34.95. We have one for each bathtub.
WaterBOB Bathtub Emergency Water Storage Container, Drinking Water Storage, Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1)
NOAA weather emergency radio. It takes batteries, USB charging and also has a hand crank for charging.
[Upgraded Version]Emergency Radio, Esky 3 LED Lights Flashlight Hand Crank Radio, Portable Solar Radio AM/FM NOAA Weather Radio, 1000mAh Power Bank USB Charger for iPhone/Smart Phone (Yellow)
Camp Chef propane two burner stove.
Camp Chef Ranger II Blind Stove
Some books with useful preparedness information.
The Disaster Preparedness Handbook: A Guide for Families
Prepping 101: 40 Steps You Can Take to Be Prepared: Protect Your Family, Prepare for Weather Disasters, and Be Ready and Resilient when Emergencies Arise
You could get a water Bob and be able to drink tub water.
The water bob is probably the best urban solution to this problem.
You should keep a 5 gallon container, or a couple of cases of le croix around too.
Get yourself a Waterbob 100 gallons of fresh water you can store in your bathtub. You can get them for around $25. Everyone should have one of these in their home.
> Water blob
LOL. Here's a link to a WaterBOB
Not a bad thing to have stored away:
Here you go, might make it a bit more sanitary and convenient.
Ever try one of these? Giant plastic bladder that sits in your tub and holds water.
If you get one of these then you can store potable water in the tub.
Sure. This isn’t exactly what I have, but it’s pretty much the same thing.
I bought one of these (you do need a tub). Seemed like a good investment.
I feel for you dealing with that polar cold being in northern Illinois. Ouch.
They make a bathtub bladder for water I recommend for apartment living. Amazon link.
If you know a bad storm is coming this can be very useful.
Depending on your window situation a small solar charger can keep your phone powered up (or emergency radio, etc).
Food is always tricky. There's lots of good options to toss in the bottom of your closet like a Mountain House bucket. But be sure you can make hit water to mix in. So a few sterno cans can be helpful here.
For the daily med requirement, that's a tough one. I'd talk to your doctor about "What if...." scenarios. What if you take a cruise and the ship gets stranded and you run out of your meds. What if you're on vacation and your carry bag gets stolen.
See if he or she can give you an in-a-pinch over the counter plan. Or a secondary option, etc.
Look at the product pictures - if you pushed on it you'd get a volcano style eruption
I would get a water bob from Amazon. It goes in the tub you fill it up and it's 100 gallons of emergency water storage
for future reference they do make plastic bags that are specifically designed to fit in your tub and hold water.
if you're into that sort of thing
Waterbob - they are one time use.
Bathtub cover liner- same thing, bit cheaper.
Bare basics
Water, water and more water. For that many people, cheapest way to do it is with a Water BOB
$40. buy it right now. fill it up right before landfall.
Information. That means your cell phone or an FM radio
Anker 10,000. Will charge twice approximately. I'd get a bigger one, but this is $22
Or FM radio for $24
Lighting. 4 pack of flashlights for $20. Buy LOTS of extra batteries
Cooking Butane camp stove with refills. $80
Bonus: Plastic tarp in case you lose windows
Under $200 for all that
I highly recommend this fancy thingy, we got one after the freeze.
this is a liner that fits inside your tub and comes with a pump to easily retrieve the water.
So sounds like you want be prepared for life’s hiccups and natural disaster/ severe storms. is a good starting point.
Remember it’s all about baby steps you don’t have to get it all at once. Here are some starting points
The first thing any guide will start with is water. Gallon of water per person per day. Start with the fema recommendation of 3 days so that’s 12 gallons. And I suggest getting a water bob for longer outages.
Power outage, of course a generator is the end goal but for now a battery bank to keep cell phone/e devices powered. Anker power bank is a good option
Alternative cooking method if you have a bbq grill you have alternate cooking. If not there are small butane stoves with a propane grill as long term goal
Ok so to ease your anxiety and help stay within budget first course action is make a plan, build a list of items prioritizing what you need first and set a monthly budget and build your preps gradually.
I'd also recommend this:
You won't be showering without water so at least use your tub to store 100 gallons.
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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You don't need a tub to fill the bag, get a couple of plastic tubs or don't fill it completely. It's my hurricane water bag since i live in Florida.
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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WaterBOB Bathtub Storage Emergency Drinking Water… | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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I was pretty prepared for the cold and snow since I lived in upstate NY for grad school, but neighbors and friends lacked basic winter-ready boots (read: water proof with grippy tread), decent wool socks and a good set of baselayers. In lieu of winter boots, since this is still Texas, you could grab a pair of yak trax. You can throw them on any shoe for traction. My Cat welly boots with vibram lug sole held up surprisingly great all week, kept my feet dry all day with hours spent in the snow as I was in and out checking on neighbors, shoveling the walks, and collecting water from another building that still had running water.
Something I daydreamed about having: insulated and waterproof work gloves. I had my regular work gloves, but they got wet almost immediately.
Rock salt. Jesus.
Shovel, preferably flat. Amazing how few people own a shovel of any kind. Mine was the hottest tinder date in the complex for days. New hoe in town.
Large water storage. Maintaining water supply would have been a breeze with a couple of those 5 gallon bottles to fill up before they cut the water off- which I was expecting to happen. Instead, I filled 2 liter soda bottles, and every large pot and pitcher. Already ordered this, which would keep the tub water potable:
For my neighbor, a properly functioning tub stopper would have been a godsend. All the water she saved up for bathroom use leaked out overnight.
Those single burners that run on butane. The above neighbor shared hers with us during the days without power. It would have been so much more miserable without something warm to eat/ drink. I've had the propane camping burners, but the butane is smaller, lighter, and pretty inexpensive. For fuel canisters, they're cheaper at the Asian grocers.
In the emergency food/ supplies, I'll be adding disposable plates, bowls and silverware. Washing dishes without water isn't an option and without power, washing dishes with cold water is futile and painful. And the stacks of dirty dishes made the home environment feel more miserable and chaotic.
Rice. I usually keep rice around, but we were out. Toasting the raw rice in a dry pan just until warm/hot and then filling socks makes for a great little hot pack that lasts longer than you'd think and is reusable. You can microwave it, too if you have power.
More attention to weather. I work outside, so I check the weather at least once a day and stay aware of how the week looks. I don't watch local network news, though. I saw the freeze (then projected mid 20s) coming a week in advance but thought nothing of it until Friday when the forecast started changing to bad. And then by Saturday evening, really really bad. Thanks, Accuweather.
SS: Never know what products could save your life in a situation none of us are truly prepared for.
This a water storage container for your bathtub, i thought this was quite a clever and reasonably priced idea that you may never need, but it also could save your life.
I have a Water Bob... it's an 80 gallon plastic container that you put in your tub and fill it up. They cost $35. During our last hurricane, I filled it just in case then threw it away afterwards. Never gonna get it dry and never going to fit back in the package. I just don't want to store all those bottles.
I also purchased today, a Sawyer water filter system. You can back-flush the filter and it will last for 100,000 gallons.
I've been buying reusable, collapsible water containers and also bought a couple of "Water Bob's" from Amazon that are basically giant water bags meant to be filled in your bathtub. They're sealed so you don't have to worry about the water getting dirty or contaminated or slowly draining.
Here it is on Amazon, $35
WaterBOB Bathtub Emergency Water Storage Container, Drinking Water Storage, Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon) (1)
And if your tub can’t keep the water from seeping down the drain. There’s always this.
Or, if you have a bathtub you can get one of these:
if you have a spare bathtub in the house id think about getting a water bob
I ran across this on Amazon the other day. Wish we had seen it when I lived in Florida.
Found it, for anyone wondering:
Thanks for posting. Didn't know this existed.
I do not know why people just don't get a Water Bob particularly for events like this where you have a warning about an impending storm.
Why? Because she bought all the water? Its first come first serve. Sure, a little compassion would always be nice but you should never expect people to show it, especially during an emergency.
The fact is: If seeing this pisses you off, you're woefully unprepared yourself. Most Americans don't even have the FEMA recommended amount of supplies, and wait until something is imminent before doing anything. This is why stores are flat out of stock and its a giant shit show. If you'd spend time/money on basic emergency preparedness (and were prepared yourself) you'd be looking at this photo and instead of getting angry at the woman buying all the water, you'd worry for the obviously under prepared.
Water doesn't need to be in a bottle to be clean. You can filter/sanitize it yourself if need be, but most tap water is absolutely fine.
Here are some solutions for water in an emergency:
WaterBOB Emergency Drinking Water Storage (100 Gallons)
New Wave Envrio Products BPA Free Bottle, 5-Gallon
Reliance Products Aqua-Tainer 7 Gallon Rigid Water Container
If all else fails, get a steel cup and a bunch of those butane/propane camping fuel sources. You can boil your own water. Filters can and do work, but I usually don't recommend them unless youre willing to at least read how they work, and what they can/can't filter. I never recommend the iodine tablets for water purification unless its an absolute emergency.
If this is a recurring thing, you may want to invest in a WaterBOB
there's also things like this
Get one of these
just putting this here as an FYI
all you need in an Amazon link is the "dp" and the code after it:
waterBOB Emergency Drinking Water Storage (100 Gallons)
This thing exists
I got a waterBOB because of living in an apartment.
All you have to do is fill it before the water goes off :/
As a Floridian, these can be useful
It all depends on what "meaningful quantities" means. :)
If you can use a tool like this (or 2 or 3) for everyday toilet flushing and bathing, then maybe you don't need do much of that canned blue water. If you expect to be on water that's gathered for years, then no solution will be economical.
Even a SteriPen won't last you in that scenario.
So once you ID how long we're talking, it's easier to find a solution.
Something for 3 days isn't suitable for a 3 years situation, but also, vice versa.
Nah, just get one of these!
Får väl skaffa en sådan här då.
I built wood brackets and braces out of a few 2"4"s. filled these with water and a few drops bleach. Stored in my basement under a tarp to stay pitch black.
And if you're worried about your bath tub being dingy. Don't.
Get a Water Bob
For those who are wondering what this is...