I have the WD My Net N750 and figured it'd be sufficient, seems like that's not the case.
Do you think I should get a quality router like the one you suggested and throw all of my perkers on that one or just get a cheapo router and throw half on there, half on the existing router?
I have this https://www.amazon.com/N750-Dual-Router-Wireless-Accelerate/dp/B007KZQM9Q, spent $30 on it and loaded it with OpenWRT, works great and has USB ports
If you want cheap but reliable $40 option:
They are a bit outdated though, but they are cheap and will do north of 750Mbps WAN traffic. I've used them for years and installed a lot for friends/family with no complaints.
If you want the full 1Gbps $130ish option:
Ubiquiti ER-X with a separate AP like a UAP-AC lite.
cheap option is very easy to use and set up out the box Ubiquiti route takes a little bit of configuring but is not difficult but you will never have to mess with it ever again.
Here is a screenshot of my Edgerouter's uptime
Alternatively, I do recommend Google Wifi for $130, which can be meshed with more units to provide a large coverage area in a home that works well, as does the $125 Ubiquiti Amplifi Router which also supports meshing and does it well.