> Worked fine with Mussolini.
Got any source for that. Fascism still exists in Italy.
> And it’s folks like you with this “don’t drag us down to their level” bullshit is why democrats don’t win elections.
Me telling you not to publicly fantasising about mutilating a dead body and displaying it to others as a warning has nothing to do with why Democrats lose.
> Just sit there and whine about shit that will never happen.
> Coming at me with your asinine bullshit when all I am doing is showing my anger. Fuck off.
I assumed (hoped) your comment was just hyperbole. Stupid bullshit posturing. My point is it isn't healthy. You are just venting. I get that. I have often fantasised about a just punishment for Trump and the people around him. Let's just say, they are not civilised punishments (although they would be just). But to write it out and publish it in an echo chamber like this is just not good. There is a difference between what we think in our head / discuss in private and what we say out loud in a public forum.
I've been regularly visiting trumpian echo chambers for the last 5 years. The language they use has gradually gotten more and more violent and extreme over the years. For many of them, Democrats / Lefties are monsters. Just standing against anything they believe in makes you an automatic communist / satanist / pedophile. They don't see as human anymore. They don't see us as individuals anymore.
The purpose of this sub is:
>A place to post and discuss the spread of hate, disinformation, conspiracy theories, and calls to violence across social media.
We need to be careful we don't become our own extreme echo chamber where we stop remembering that, in the end, these are still people. Fucking stupid, deluded, petty, shitty, in some cases downright evil people, but still people.
Personally, I found your comment, at best counter-productive, at worst barbaric and inhumane. So I called you out. I've given you my reasons. You do with that what you want. I have no control over you.
PS: I you by chance want to better understand where I am coming from, read "We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families". It gives some very interesting insights into how a huge part of a country's population can be whipped up / brainwashed into a genocidal frenzy. Not comparing that to the situation with Q, but there are lessons than can be learned.