call a local tree service or buy a arborist throw ball and line:
Throw Weight and Line Kit by Weaver Leather
Arborist line works the best for me.
I backpack my KX2. I can't SOTA since there's not exactly a lot of peaks in north Texas. But I've operated from state parks. Here's my setup:
KX2 with dual batteries
10' jumper of coax
LNR end fed antenna with a piece of shock cord at each end to prevent stress
Arborist line with throw weight and bag
2 metal stakes to anchor the antenna and tie off the throw line
Misc - headphones, logbook, clipboard, adapters, etc
It works really well. I just throw the line up, tie off the antenna, then anchor it and connect the coax to the radio. If I was working somewhere like an actual SOTA peak, I'd look into something other than the end fed. Some sort of portable vertical would work well.