Also if he doesn't have a Chimney starter, that is a must have for any charcoal griller and makes it so much easier.
They can probably be found a little cheaper at your local Home Depot or wherever.
It’s a cylinder that you stack the charcoal in, and stuff the bottom (which is separated) with paper. This lets you create a concentrated fire to light all the charcoal in a condensed space rather than spread out over the grill. Saves time, and makes for more efficient use of charcoal.
Do not use lighter fluid. Instead, buy yourself a chimney starter. Here’s a link to the Weber one, but you can probably find one at your local hardware store.
Use it to light the charcoal without fluid. Lights the charcoal quickly and you pour it into the grill when ready
Something like this: Weber 7429 Rapidfire Chimney Starter, Silver
Charcoal chimney starter. Load your charcoal in the top, put a donut of newspaper in the bottom. Light the newspaper and wait for all the charcoal to light.
I felt compelled to reply when you mentioned charcoal. This is another one of those things for this thread. It's a charcoal starter that I bought for $20 at my local hardware store and it is a life changer for grilling!pack shredded newspaper in the bottom, flip over to fill with charcoal and light the paper underneath. About 10-15 minutes later you dump out even and ready to go coals. It's damn awesome.
I'm just going to leave this here.
It will change your life. Basically, you fill it with the desired amount of charcoal, and put a source of fire underneath. Personally, I use the Weber lighter cubes but you can use newspaper or even the cooking oil paper towels mentioned in your linked video. The advantage is that the coals get ready much quicker and you have more flexibility as to the location/size/shape of your charcoal pile.
Just one word of caution: make sure you have some gloves when you dump the chimney. The handle gets pretty hot despite the heat shield.
Return the lighter fluid for one of these, if you don’t want your food tasting like lighter fluid. Weber Stephen Company 7429 Rapid Fire Chimney Starter, Silver
Yes just keep it out of the rain and you'll be good!! A weber kettle grill can also be rigged up to be a smoker. Works great as far as charcoal smokers go!
Goes without saying that you'll miss the convenience of propane when all you want to do is throw a few burgers on the grill on a busy weeknight when you don't want to wait 40mins for the charcoal to heat up.
On that note, if you're set on charcoal, a charcoal chimney is basically a required purchase. Don't mess around with lighter fluid. I'd get this one, and also start saving a small stash of newspapers / cardboard boxes to start the coals with:
My best sear has never been a cast iron pan, sadly; that would nice and convenient. To get the real good crust, I go with a charcoal chimney with a grate over the top.
Using a charcoal chimney. Weber 7429 Rapidfire Chimney Starter, Silver
If you want to sear from your Sous Vide, no reason to do anything more than a chimney starter and charcoal.
If you want great searing, great smoking, and all around great food for a low cost you will never beat a Weber Kettle Grill.
You will need: Good Quality Charcoal (never anything that says quick light!), a chimney starter, and besides an ignition method and meat that's about it to start.
Find a Performa Series on Craigslist if you can.
Watch a bunch of videos. I've been cooking/grilling/smoking for 20+ years, and I promise you that I routinely out-cook people with $1-2k setups just knowing my little humble kettle that I bought off Craigslist.
If you want an upgrade go with a Slow N Sear, I love it but it's definitely not necessary to start.
For Cleanup: No one ever puts their grates in the dishwasher. Just get them rip-roaring hot and clean them with a scrub brush then a half an onion. Oil them up a bit before your cook and let them polymerize / season just like a cast iron.
Here's some basics
Chimney starter
Door latch kit
Some gasket for the smoker
What chemical taste? Lighter fluid? Use less. Or even better don't use any at all.
FYI, here's what I use for my rocket-hot mini-grill (no affiliate links or anything):
Grate: Chimney Starter:
And whatever hardwood charcoal you can find, not the briquette stuff.
Hmm. Good point. The Weber Rapidfire Chimney is aluminized steel. Link Do you know any issues with that material?
I was on my phone in my first post, so it was a low quality post. Let me fix that. Don't be intimidated by the brisket. Just control the temperature of your fire and you will be good. My best recommendation is watch the 3 Franklin vids and listen close because this guy knows what he's talking about.
I have a Weber smokey mountain cooker and set it up with the minion method using my chimney starter. Like Franklin says, keep your temperature at a stable 250 degrees.
This is the serious eats pickled hot pepper recipe that I use for sandwich and pizza toppings.