For the night issues, I recommend getting a wedge pillow I bought this one and really like it. Make sure you have one that's the length of your torso, otherwise it'll fuck your back up, like this one that I bought first and returned. Or if you have more money you might consider this type, it helps to prop your feet up too. I also slide down the bed if I'm inclined without a pillow behind my knees.
I find it's best to eat about 2 hours before bed. If I eat too long ago my stomach stays empty for too long and bothers me, but if I eat before bed it hurts more the next day.
Talk to your doctor about getting anti-nausea pills. I use zophrin 4mg sublingual melts and they're super helpful. Ginger helps some people, but it fucks up my stomach so I can't consume it.
It might be stress. There's nothing wrong with that, mine was caused by stress too. Stress is a chemical process, it raises cortisol levels which impair digestion. My doctor explained it as your body going into fight or flight mode, which shuts down unnecessary things like digestion while there's more important things, but you can't tell your body to start that shit up again so it becomes a chronic problem. Regardless of the cause it's still a medical condition, it's like dismissing someone with a broken leg because they did something stupid; it doesn't matter why you're in pain, your symptoms are still real and still fucking up your life.
I wrote up a bunch of different things that will be easier to eat in an old post, look through that and try to shift your diet more towards things that won't cause problems.
Source: Doctor friend.