Westcott Sewing Titanium Bonded Fine Cut Scissors, 2.5" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000YZARO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_P.xcBbWMDV597
I've been using this for a long time and highly recommend them. They are very sharp, can cut nails, and in the closed position they can even be used with a fire steel to make sparks.
My pair weighs 6.8g (0.24 oz)
Backpackers should not carry bear spray. Not worth its weight.
The risk from bears to backpackers is so low bear spray cannot decrease it much.
Some argue that if carrying bear spray decreases your anxiety about bears, you should carry it. In other words, it can function as an 11-ounce good luck charm.
I argue that backpackers can safely save 11 ounces by not carrying bear spray.
I'm afraid of bears. At night before I fall asleep I imagine I hear bears grunting within my campsite and snuffling near my head. Yet I don't carry bear spray, because I know carrying bear spray cannot make me much safer than not carrying it, and I don't want to lie to myself.
Knives: it's hard to argue against carrying a 1-ounce knife such as a tiny Swiss Army knife. But knives are unnecessary. Many people get along fine with a tiny pair of scissors and maybe one single-edged razor blade in case they need to cut something. Keep them in your first aid kit.
Westcott Sewing Titanium Bonded Fine Cut Scissors, 2.5" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000YZARO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PekCCbDA22H9V
I misspoke. The tweezers are not titanium, but still really light.
Titanium Scissors https://www.amazon.com/Westcott-Sewing-Titanium-Bonded-Scissors/dp/B000YZARO0
Tweezers https://www.amazon.com/Uncle-Sliver-Gripper-Precision-Tweezers/dp/B003Q1EGUA
Litesmith has some: https://www.litesmith.com/micro-scissors-with-cover/
I use these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YZARO0
Also used Swiss Army Knife mini.
All of these work fine especially if you soak your feet first or take a shower first, which isn't really a problem.
They're fine, cheap little scissors, like 5g. If you want "good small scissors," you're looking for the 2.5" titanium Wescott scissors (7g I think)
I just spent 8 nights camped between 10K and 12.7K and used the layered system for hands that I just posted a pic of a layered system for hands with some further comments:
Lighter 5000 mAh power bank was in the video I linked with the weight of 99 g.
Westcott 2.5" titanium scissors: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YZARO0/
Westcott 2.5 inch Ti scissors 0.2 oz
I bought mine many years ago but it looks like $8.49 on Amazon
Really tiny mini scissors might help. I haven't made my own details, but I have had to cut some very tiny things. These ones are cheap and made from strong titanium. I love them. https://smile.amazon.com/Westcott-Sewing-Titanium-Bonded-Scissors/dp/B000YZARO0/
They also have a 5-inch pair that are great for slightly larger things. https://smile.amazon.com/Westcott-Titanium-Non-Stick-Scissor-Microtip/dp/B00BQSGHYS/
If you don't want to use scissors, I'd suggest you put the paper on something silicone or a thin layer of blue putty so it stays in place by itself and then use one hand to brace the palm of the other when using a sharp craft knife.
Good luck!
Sounds good. almost forgot: bring some strips of leukotape on sticker backing. best thing for blisters is to sterilize needle with lighter, pop and drain blisters, cover with small amount of leukotape. swap the nail clippers for a tiny pair of scissors that are multiuse -- cut leukotape and nails with them.
friend, you are now an 8/10!
I'm loving this
what's the duct tape for? (apologies in advance for not parsing thread)
what's in your first aid kit?
typically I use Leukotape, pre-tape common trouble spots on feet/toes to pre-empt blisters and keep some pre-cut pieces on paper backing (like UPS shipping label backs) for applying in the field. Leukotape can be used as a bandaid to close a wound as well. This usually obviates need for duct tape.
a small square of tenacious tape to repair tent/tarp/air mattress is good to have
assuming 2 people I would bring:
4 doses of immodium (2 per person to get you back out to the car)
2 doses benadryl (just in case of allergic reactions)
tums (I eat 2 before bed each night just in case)
ibuprofen (sore muscles)
electrolyte capsules (enough for 2 people taken 3 times daily - these things are underappreciated)
4 alcohol wipe packets (for cleaning wounds)
4 bacitracin packets (for preventing infection in wound)
small pair of scissors (instead of your folding knife. these can be used to open food, first aid, repair, and for cutting line)
I sometimes carry butterfly closures and/or a tegaderm, depending on terrain
that keeps your first aid kit down to the minimum viable ditty
I would also recommend getting a backcountry bidet and pre-drying some baby wipes. leave the toilet paper at home. the bidet gets you pretty clean and a baby wipe can be used for multiple passes to tidy up. please pack your toilet paper/wipes out in a separate ziplock bag. typically, each person has their own opaque toilet ditty where they keep their dirty TP bag so no one has to see anyone else's used products.
Scissors I use.
7.2 grams with a sheath I made from shrink wrap tubing.
I'm a huge fan of separate scissors. These titanium scissors were my favorite on the CT.
You could get one or two of these done! I did a hat and a couple of child wall hangings on the plane. Double check, but I think you can take scissors that are less than 3 inches? I got some on Amazon that are about 1 inch long and sharp as all get out. Love them.
Westcott Sewing Titanium Bonded Fine Cut Scissors, 2.5" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000YZARO0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QPycEbS1N5KJ2
my victorinox waiter and 2.5" sewing scissors are 1.45 oz combined, no saw though
i use a can opener all the time in town and you make some good friends carrying a corkscrew
Delete the bear spray.
Delete deodorant.
A BV450 weighs 34.75 ounces (985 grams).
Substitute mini Bic lighter for Bic lighter.
Substitute one single edge razor blade for the knife.
When you can do so, add one pair small scissors.
Westcott Titanium 2.5" scissors
Substitute Swiss Army Knife Classic.
Don't include the weight of the Airport Backpack Duffle bag unless you intend to carry it while backpacking.
Don't carry the duffle bag.
Delete the 10-ounce towel. Substitute much lighter towel.
Delete the paracord.
The pillow is too heavy... If your Total Pack Weight were much lighter, you could afford to carry it as a luxury item. But as it is, no, you can't afford it. You're going to have to ad lib a pillow using clothing and maybe a stuff sack.
Single-edge razor blade, and Westcott Titanium 2.5" scissors (0.25 ounce) (7 grams).
On the Gear in your Lighterpack:
Being able to fit everything in your talon will be a great way to drop weight right off the bat.
Would you consider a different pillow? I have this on order still, so I can't vouch for it, but it is dirt cheap and will save you a few ounces if it works out.
Is the SS cup necessary if you have the pot and water bottles? consider whether you can do everything out of the pot.
See if you can live with only one filter. The regular squeeze should serve you just fine.
I know you love the chair. Is there any way you would consider a sit pad so you can sit cleanly and comfortable on large rocks and old logs? It would cut a good amount of weight. You can get them from Litesmith, Gossamer Gear, Aliexpress, and plenty of other places.
If you haven't bought the grafting knife yet, would you consider a small pair of scissors? It would save you a small amount of weight, but think through what you're actually using the knife for.
Other items:
Hood - would you consider a fleece beanie or balaclava? Those are cheap and light.
Down booties - a 20 deg quilt should be more than enough with a pair of dry sleeping socks. I know my fiancee sleeps cold, though, and wouldn't think of sleeping without at least two layers on her feet. If you feel you need them, bring them along.
Alcohol fuel container - I know plenty of people who just use a disposable water bottle with some duct tape on it to identify it.
I've seen some people use a bandana or head net with coffee, and others brew it cowboy style and let the grounds settle to the bottom. There are plenty of expensive presses out there, but you don't need to spend the money if you don't want to.
First aid kit - the easiest way to cut down weight is only bring what you know how to use. Some tape, gauze, and pills will serve for most people.