I actually get over double the yield with my champion juicer than from any press I've used. 80 lbs of apples got me 5.5 gallons of juice in about 4 hours with my juicer whereas 220 lbs only got me 6 gallons in about 8 hours with the first press you linked (https://www.amazon.com/Weston-Fruit-and-Wine-Press/dp/B000JL0G4K). I used a home made drill-attached grinder in conjunction with that press as well.
Another gripe about that first press is that as soon as you start getting any resistance in the torque mechanism, the entire press wants to twist as well. Unless you find a good way of bolting that thing to the ground so it doesn't move, you have to fight with that as well. Looks like other people have had similar issues based on a quick glance at the amazon reviews.
Just my personal experience though.
I might do one pail of store bought juice 20L.
I am just considering doing a second pail with real apples because I've seen bushels on sale here and there. Cost would be less than the store bought juice.
My friend has a grape crushing machine he would lend me, so smashing up the apples wouldn't be a big deal. I could just chuck them whole into the thing and crush 2 bushels worth in like 5 minutes. The thing is, I don't have a tiny fruit press. The one we use for wine is too huge to press 2 bushels of Apple worth. I used to see them at the wine supply store and think they were decorative, lol... those tiny little presses like this one: http://www.amazon.com/Weston-Fruit-and-Wine-Press/dp/B000JL0G4K (I can buy one locally for under $200)
Here is a complete modern one: https://www.amazon.com/Weston-Fruit-and-Wine-Press/dp/B000JL0G4K