Probably more than you want to spend, but this would do it-
Yeah, I initially thought, Even if its $30 USD how could I not. That website doesn't even seem to have the actual machine.
Actually still not bad if you're going through a lot of fruit
Canadian if that wasn't clear.
Mine is for sure not as nice as yours. I bought the Westin apple crusher. Before that I had a home made scratter that was very slow but crushed the apples very fine. You can definitly tell a difference in the amount of juice you get based on how small the crushed up bits are.
I bought one the the EJWOX Hydraulic Cider Presses on Amazon ($500). They are knock off the the German Spiedel presses. I haven't felt that any part of it was cheap or poorly made. I've made 20 gallons of cider this season so far. The biggest limitation is the quartering of apples. The actual pressing takes maybe 2-3 minutes.
-I start with my delicious Macintosh apples from the farm. Quarter them removing any bad pieces. The cores/seeds all get pitched in. This is the worst and most time consuming part.
-Then I run them through the crusher. I used this: I think eventually I will automate this by attaching an electric motor. Crushing is really important to increase juice yields. This can crush a whole apple, but you spend more time constantly pushing the apples down into the teeth.
-Then I dump the crushed apples into the press. The press hooks up to the garden hose to build pressure; it has a rubber bladder in the middle that inflates and presses 360° around the drum. A 5 gallon bucket of apples makes about 1 gallon of cider.
I used to use an old fashioned screw type press, but this hydraulic press is night/day compared to the old style. If you like making cider; get this press. There are 3 sizes: 5.3 gallon, 10.7 gallon, and 23.8 gallon. I got the smallest one so I could also use it for grapes/wine and berries.
I currently use the Weston/Roma Crusher ( from Amazon. I have to quarter the apples first, which is by far the most time consuming part. I'd love to have a solution to simply crush whole apples (without spending +1k on the Spiedel product).
I'd like a product with more than 5 reviews (as I doubt the authenticity at that volume). Other sites have zero reviews.
Lastly, do you have a crusher that does whole apples?
Get a Fruit Crusher and a apple press and have a great time.