Please note, there is a Christian part at the 41 minute mark. The speaker clearly announces this in the video as well. The rest of the video is based on book by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey called "What Happened To You"
This video has stuck with me since I first watched it a few weeks ago.
This book was the start of my healing journey. I still have a long way to go. But realising that all the self-help books and all the therapy in the world will amount to zero if you don't heal from childhood emotional neglect first was the most important step.
It’s some of the first work in that field. It’s very enlightening. I read it years ago when dealing with clients with trauma histories and it was an aha moment for me in my own background. I read it again two years ago after too many DDays….
While ordinarily I would never recommend anything Oprah endorses (she has bought into so much garbage), there is other book on the topic of trauma that picks up where Dr. van der Klok leaves off. It’s What Happened to You. Dr. Perry is well known in this field.
I’m so sorry you had to endure all of these traumatic events. And I can tell you without a doubt that it will be okay because you have the wisdom and awareness to know that being alive really IS something. Covid has been a blessing for me in a way because despite losing my job and being unemployed for a long time, by taking distractions away, I was able to discover the absolute joy and peace I can find by merely going outside and staring at trees, noticing the little things while walking my dog. I would start there. Find little details or moments that remind you of how amazing life really is when you slowwww down and pay attention. I’d also recommend reading or listening to this books, which might help you coach yourself and explore new ways to think about past events. I’m pulling for you!! ❤️❤️
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
You ARE capable of loving someone, but there is work to be done. I highly, highly, recommend reading this book:
I am very sorry for your experience. I am too a victim/survivor of SA and domestic violence. One thing that I have learned is that there is no time line on healing from something so traumatic. It is possible to feel like yourself again. Healing is like an onion, there are layers to it. Once one layer heals, there will be something inevitability that triggers you and these triggers will show you the next step to healing.
I remember thinking that after that event I would never be the same and I haven't in that I learned a lot about myself through this experience and not only healed from it but also healed from my childhood. I realized I develop coping mechanism young to deal with abuse that when I got older, I was a perfect victim for an abuser. Reflecting on my past taught me that I was not at fault for anything that happened to me and this has helped me heal with compassion. Below are some resources that have helped me heal. Please feel free to reach out if you ever feel alone.
I really liked this one! What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
What Happened to You
Now that's kind of cool. I'm not a mind reader contrary to all most all women's beliefs, haha. Nor do I look for validation these days from people that are not in my immediate family or life. I just thought if you don't believe this or understand what Russell Brand is explaining with this profound statement (Finishing with Communicate. Empathize. Rehabilitate) maybe you should pick up Oprah Winfrey's new book with Dr. Bruce Perry's "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" instead of saying WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?.
Check it out on Amazon. Maybe also pick up Pete Walker's book. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A GUIDE AND MAP FOR RECOVERING FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA. I think this is a great book for anyone that has suffered trauma or is living with someone with CPTSD, PTSD, or any trauma in their lives. I forgot that I had to go to Al-Anon for six months when I was young. It's weird how our minds repress things.
I get it now. I'm supposed to listen not talk or offer advice. I use to for the longest time. Now that I get what a dissociated state feels like and is, I realize I have been in and out of them for most of my life. I'm finally getting them under control and pulling out of it all finally only to put my life and affairs in order. God is good.
Holding on to hate, anger, resentments, fear, and wanting or demanding vengeance will only leave you with those things in your life. If you're always plotting and trying to get even you have lost your way, as I had. I'm sorry. I hope all of you find your way and move forward. It's a wonderful feeling. Mom's have a way of showing us interesting things we would have never had an insight into. You can look into The Daily Practice but not the one with Jonathan Last. The Daily Practice for Healing Childhood PTSD. Do that twice a day sometimes three times. Then join if you want. I found for me just two to three times a day is all I need. I don't need anyone else judging me or holding m back from recovering and moving forward, I've done enough of that on my own. Plus I have God for that. Peace to all reading this. God truly works in mistarious ways.