High school counselor here. I'll get the difficult part out of the way. Unless your family has their name on the library - nobody has very high changed of getting into these schools. The statistics are heavily against you.
That said - as long as you are not putting all your eggs in said basket and have some additional target colleges that are not a sweepstakes - shoot your shot. The worst they can say is no but don't get so wrapped up in the prestige. There are differing opinions (usually from those who went to these sweepstakes colleges) but also check out this book by Frank Bruni about how the majority of "successful" people did not actually attend any of these sought after schools.
If you have financial need and do get in - it can be helpful because most have a 100% need met policy. The hard part is being the outlier and getting in.
Apply broadly, don't let your identity be swept up in where you go or do not go and focus on developing your skills and attitudes. That is what determines your limits of success - not the name on the diploma. Best that will do is maybe open a few doors but you have to do the rest. Good luck.
thats what you would think right? but no you should take some time and read this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LLIIZMK/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1