copy paste reply:
Read this book because my argument is pretty much straight out of it. You're calling me delusion when I'm just repeating the information I gained from reading this book written by an expert. You may disagree with what I say, but calling me delusion is just proving me right when I said that you guys throw a temper tantrum and start name calling whenever somebody doesn't agree with you.
To understand the failure of the foreign policy of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy one should read
copy paste reply:
Read this book because my argument is pretty much straight out of it. You're calling me delusion when I'm just repeating the information I gained from reading this book written by an expert. You may disagree with what I say, but calling me delusion is just proving me right when I said that you guys throw a temper tantrum and start name calling whenever somebody doesn't agree with you.
Read this book because my argument is pretty much straight out of it. You're calling me delusion when I'm just repeating the information I gained from reading this book written by an expert. You may disagree with what I say, but calling me delusion is just proving me right when I said that you guys throw a temper tantrum and start name calling whenever somebody doesn't agree with you.
Of course they're not portrayed that way. The public is dumb, and in the West the public usually believes in Wilsoniam idealism vice pragmatic neorealism. That's fine and good and it's great for public consumption, but it doesn't pay the bills the way power geopolitics does.
Mearsheimer wrote almost exclusively about this in a pretty well-known work. That people uninvolved in foreign policy want to be idealistic about it is understandable; why leaders would be idealistic is very much less so.