Glad you liked it! I'm pursuing my Ph.D. right now and teach undergraduate courses so I enjoy pointing people toward information they find interesting.
For further reading on the topic, you can search for that paper on and look at what publications have cited to the 2009 article. This will direct you to lots of other papers on the topic.
Additionally, if you're interested at all in the historical and comparative contexts of economics and how economic and social policies can effect national trajectories, I strongly recommend the book Why Nations Fail which is outside of my area of expertise but provides some really interesting perspectives!
P.S. - I promise I'm not the author of this book trying to make $$ lmao
Noruega es la excepción que confirma la regla casualmente. Muchos autores lo atribuyen a que Noruega ya había desarrollado instituciones democráticas sólidas mucho antes de encontrar petróleo. Nosotros no tenemos esa solidez institucional (como bien lo demostró la última década).
Pero si mirás el resto de los países con estados que alimentan sus arcas de la extracción más que del cobro de impuestos, vas a ver que en general se trata de dictaduras, o por lo menos de autoritarismos. Ejemplo: Gran parte de los países de medio oriente, Venezuela, Rusia... Recomeindo el libro "Why Nations Fail" (que habla bastante del caso noruego - y de Argentina) y que en mi opinión presenta la teoría mejor lograda sobre la relación entre democratización y libertad, y recursos naturales.
Noruega es la excepción que confirma la regla casualmente. Muchos autores lo atribuyen a que Noruega ya había desarrollado instituciones democráticas sólidas mucho antes de encontrar petróleo. Nosotros no tenemos esa solidez institucional (como bien lo demostró la última década).
Pero si mirás el resto de los países con estados que alimentan sus arcas de la extracción más que del cobro de impuestos, vas a ver que en general se trata de dictaduras, o por lo menos de autoritarismos. Ejemplo: Gran parte de los países de medio oriente, Venezuela, Rusia... Recomeindo el libro "Why Nations Fail" (que habla bastante del caso noruego - y de Argentina) y que en mi opinión presenta la teoría mejor lograda sobre la relación entre democratización y libertad, y recursos naturales.
Why Nations Fail is a Kindle Daily Deal today for $2.99
Why Nations Fail is a Kindle Daily Deal for $1.99
In case he doesn't already have it:
What you're looking at is the comment ID. Notice that this link takes you to the DT:
If you look at the permalink for the discussion thread you can see the ID hiding in there:
Sometimes by chance IDs spell out real words. You can imagine that's a problem when they spell out something naughty. Luckily here it's just mildly interesting.
Fun fact, since the thread is determined by the ID, not the text, you can change the text to whatever you want:
This isn't just limited to Reddit BTW. Here's an example Amazon URL:
The last part of the url (starting with "ref") is just a bunch of tracking bits that give Amazon some analytics, like "what did this user search to arrive at this product page?" If you're posting a link somewhere, these are nice to remove for privacy reasons.
The "Why-Nations-Fail..." part is just there so people know where the link is going to take them. As with Reddit, this can be changed or cut out entirely.
The product ID is "B0058Z4NR8", so you can cut everything else out and Amazon will still know what product to show you.
> "Why Nations Fail"
Would highly recommend reading Why Nations Fail for more on this. According to the economists who wrote this book, the Black Death could arguably be the single most important reason why western Europe is the birthplace of democracy.