Hey all,
Got some questions. Recently I've been wanting to get into astrophotography and was scouring the web for a good / portable combo. I saw the Zenithstar 61 that's supposed to be really good, and also the Zenithstar 73. Most of the cases I've seen of people using these smaller scopes are with trackers like the Star Adventurer or iOptron SkyTracker. Is this sufficient? I am looking to capture as much as possible, galaxies, nebula, etc. DSO I suppose. I have a Sony a7r, I know about the star eater issues. Will those bite me? I read that it's only apparent on exposures longer than 3 minutes. I am leaning towards the 73 (with a flat73) and one of the smaller trackers, and looking into getting a guidescope soon. I will be picking up an STC Astro-Multispectra clip in filter as well. Does this seem like a solid setup? Is there reason for me to jump straight to a real EQ mount? I could go for something like the Celestron AVX? Do you still need a guide scope on an EQ goto mount?
Adapters: https://smile.amazon.com/SHORT-Mount-T-Ring-Modern-Photonics/dp/B01HX4RBWA?sa-no-redirect=1 is this the right one for the job?
So with all of the above, theoretically that's all I need to get going? Any purchase tips?
Any input appreciated! Thanks