I have a magnetizer/demagnetizer just in case. You just rub the tip of the screwdriver on the sides of the hole and it becomes temporarily magnetic. It works really well.
Sometimes giving it a few nice finger taps can help too, but I'd just get a little demagnetizer and kind rub it along the edges where it's at, see if it helps a bit. Might be wort it to try this instead of dropping 60 bucks on a degausser, potentially doing it wrong and making it worse.
It depends on the strength and the composition of the material. There are electro magnetic ones that are stronger. I have a static one on my work bench that works pretty well but I haven’t tried it on a but driver, mostly use it for tweezers and actual bits. There’s a lot behind the physics but my understanding is that it stays magnetized until it encounters a field that demagnetizes it. At least my tools are usually still magnetized when I come back to the bench. If you’re walking around with a tool in your pocket I’d imagine it would need to be relevant magnetized more frequently as you may pass electromagnetic fields in your day to day movements. I use this one, you could keep it in your backpack if needed, it’s small and light. Wiha 40010 | Magnetizer Demagnetizer , Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00018AONE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CH2HYTE2FMEGZ38NWS93
I agree with this, if you need a screwdriver magnetized 20 rubs back and forth will do the job. It's easier for a bit in a drill or impact just hold it against the magnet side and pull the trigger for like 10 seconds and you will have a strongly magnetic bit. Do the same on the other side and the magnetic field is gone.
I purchased a multi-bit electric screwdriver that came with something like this.
You just run the bit along the designated sections and it does exactly what it describes. Really blew my mind as well!
Nice mod, I didnt know the cybertool driver wasnt magnetized from the factory. Have you considered using something like this? https://www.amazon.com/Wiha-40010-Magnetizer-or-Demagnetizer/dp/B00018AONE/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=magnetizer&qid=1617433015&sr=8-3
To add to the other answer, a magnetized screwdriver can be really useful. If you don't get a magnetized one, you can buy a magnetizer.
i wonder if you could magnetize the pliers to aid in holding pieces in place!
i bought this magnetizer/demagnetizer recently for magnetizing screwdrivers to pick up or hold screws. and it totally works.
Are you working from a bench or having to go onsite? That changes the answer a bit, but ifixit is a solid choice either way.
I have the Pro kit and it works well. For things like tweezers and forceps, I would recommend just getting cheap ones from Amazon. I also highly recommend a magnetizer. Makes getting small screws out much easier.
Magnetize your existing tools.
Wiha 40010 | Magnetizer Demagnetizer , Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00018AONE/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_2TWGQ9JT6D90CQ952J60
also found at your local hardware store
I also fix appliances an I use this, highly recommended
Wiha 40010 | Magnetizer Demagnetizer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00018AONE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FTS7NY0XGNR841KSCVZZ
How’s this for brief :-)
Wiha 40010 | Magnetizer Demagnetizer https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00018AONE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TAN01HFAEHSH2FAENNYN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Magnetizing the bits themselves is probably your best bet.
You can always remagnetize them if they start coming off. Just grab one of these and slide the spine magnets through.
Just buy a magnetizer like this and use a proper driver.
If you want, you could buy one of these and you can magnetize them - its a excellent tool :-)
Same principle, but all of our techs use one of these.
They work rather well, especially on the smaller tools. Bonus demagnetizer.