I think pretty much everyone played with the GC controller. Most people still had them around at that point in time.
Wiimote is a meme option, but not something that people really did unless they had to. Nunchuck always felt weird as far as I'm concerned.
I used one of these https://www.amazon.com/Wii-Classic-Controller-nintendo/dp/B000IN0BSU
and it was ok, but I had a hard time not doing diagonal angles instead of straight up
Amazon? Or try checking local stores. Where you live is probably not where I live so I can't be specific, but they're still around and not that terribly hard to find.
And yeah, the controller situation is a bit frustrating. If the Pro controller could simulate a Classic Controller we'd be in a much better place, but alas, it doesn't. Not at the current time anyway. Some people still hope that will change in the future, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
yeah it works with wiimote and if you have the wiimote classic controller hooked up to it, that works fine too. https://www.amazon.com/Wii-Classic-Controller-nintendo/dp/B000IN0BSU
Hey I was just thinking of getting that. Would you recommend this controller or would the regular nunchuck and controller combo work just fine?
Here you go: Wii Classic Controller | Wii Classic Controller Pro