Ohhh yeah, definitely. Might I suggest buying one of these?
Its a humidity controller. Essentially you run the sensor into your tub and you plug your reptilian mister into the humidity controller. When the sensor sees the humidity is too low, it turns thr mister on. When it gets to the humidity you want it to be at, it turns the mister off.
Unless you have a humidity gauge inside your case that you are actively monitoring then I can't say that this is terribly helpful. The idea is for the instrument to be humidity controlled between a certain range so as not face wild fluctuations. I use the WILLHI WH1436H which has a humidity sensor and can be configured to turn on and off an outlet when it cross above or below a set percentage of humidity. I have it hooked up to a couple cool mist humidifiers where I store my instrument.
It's no problem, I have a 5 disk but for this size tent (or a martha) a 3 disk is more than enough I think.
My initial problem was all the work to get it dialed in. Whatr made it way easier was when I decided to put the container INSIDE the tent. Essentially, on the ground of the tent I have a sterilite 32qt gasket container with a fan mounted to to it and two holes (2in wholes) cut into the top to allow the humid air to blow out. I added 2in PVC pipes with 45 degree bends to the holes to direct the air and to stop water from shooting out.
I also bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IJ8YWYY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Pretty much plug the humidifer into it and when the sensor detects that it drops below a set humidity, it turns it on. Then when it reaches a certainm humidity, it shuts it off. I have it set betweem 92% and 99% humidity. Hope this helps, feel free to message me if it seems confusing.
I used a house of hydro mist maker to make a humidifier like in this video:
I plugged it into a a humidity controller that you can buy on Amazon:
WILLHI WH1436H 110V Digital Air... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IJ8YWYY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Essentially, you set the humidity on the controller to your preference, when it drops to low, it turns on the mistmaker to get the humidity right where you want it.
2nd this. Here's the one I got from Amazon. There are a couple different models. This keeps my giant tent between 92% and 99%.
Also, maybe look into an inline fan that takes air from your room and pumps it into your Martha. I have the below connected to my tent via dryer ducts.