If they're talking like that because George was trying to be shakespearean, then shouldn't he at least have made an effort to write the dialogue in iambic pentameter?
Way to be a lazy ass, Lucas. Ian Doescher had to pick up the slack for you.
Try the Shakespeare's Star Wars books. Alll the same tropes and language as well as lol the correct formatting. Only difference is its Star Wars. I did it with my 9th graders but it can work with older kids too. https://www.amazon.com/William-Shakespeares-Star-Wars-Doescher/dp/1594746370
Okay, I know you were just making a reference, but if you like Shakespeare and Star Wars check this shit out. It's the entirety of A New Hope painstakingly translated into iambic pentameter, oftentimes practically line-for-line, with a few beautiful soliloquies thrown in for good measure. It was done by someone who's obviously a huge fan of both Shakespeare and Star Wars, and if you are too you'll love it. I believe he's done Episodes IV, V, and VI, although I've only read IV. Can't recommend it enough.
I'm still making my way through William Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy. I've already gone through Verily, A New Hope, and I'm about to begin on The Empire Striketh Back. I set the series aside when I got Two Gentlemen of Lebowski. And, for some reason, I felt the need to read Imperial Bedrooms; I knew it wasn't going to be as good as Less Than Zero, but it seems Bret Easton Ellis managed to disappoint despite the extremely low bar I set.
Presumably this series:
The audible link given doesn't show sample pages, so here's some: https://www.amazon.com/William-Shakespeares-Star-Wars-Doescher/dp/1594746370
In short: Shakespearean language. It's pretty great, I have a copy.
I have never thought of that before! I can't find one either off the top.
Are you familiar with "verily, a new hope"
There's a whole series of books retelling the saga in Shakespearean style.
I think that as a financier yeah even the gov't should exercise discretion on what it can and cannot fund. However I think it's pretty immature for that government to limit culture based on something so tame as nudity. However, that can be just as applicable to the performance. A nude performance just to act in the nude doesn't really sound like it adds anything other than to be a cheap gimmick. Nude Shakespeare had this problem cause that's all it did. But others that took Shakespeare and blended it with other media or "modernized" it actually had to exercise thought into why it held a purpose.
Not to say all nude performance is just that empty of substance outside of its nudity. But it really is up to the creator to justify it. Yes, nude is our natural, human state. Art and culture aren't natural, human states, though. They're intellectual expressions. So expecting a creator to validate the intelligence of the piece isn't a bad standard to hold, regardless of its subjectivity.
and now I'm thinking of William Shakespeare's Star Wars... :) https://www.amazon.com/William-Shakespeares-Star-Wars-Doescher/dp/1594746370
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And here I am thinking my Shakespeare's Star Wars is cool.