> Part of the problem is I live on a hill and she can literally see everything. Anytime she sees another dog or person she loses control.
Cover your windows, either with blinds or with privacy film. And get a white noise machine to block out noises outside.
Have you worked with a pro trainer yet?
Is she anxious / is it an anxiety-rooted behavior?
Other dimension, maybe astral but I wouldn’t worry about being sucked up by a mirror. I had a setup that I used for scrying, although the second mirror was handheld. Many interesting visions but nothing I personally was concerned about. Just make sure everything cleansed properly as a new apartment should be and if it freaks you out too much you can scotch tape something over it or cover it in some way. Or put a cling on it like this: Window Privacy Film Frosted Glass Window Clings for Privacy Non-Adhesive Anti UV Static Cling for Home Shower and Office 78.7 x 17.7 Inches https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DPF5B5K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Z0X8F0FKDM56T65K5FS7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
oooh fun project! here's what I would do...
get yourself a long runner rug like this to put in front of the tub. that way you have rug under you when you're at the sink too.
I'd sneak a narrow storage shelf in next to the toilet. put toilet paper/cleaning supplies/etc on there. example. or you could get one that rolls like this. I would recommend adding some natural textiles into this room- wood would be great for getting it to feel more cozy and less sterile!
Big mirror behind the sink- I'd recommend getting one that fills up as much of the wall as possible. if you can find one with a medicine cabinet then great! otherwise you could always put a floating shelf below it like this or this
eucalyptus plants hanging in the shower always adds a bit of life and coziness! something like this. alternatively, you could put a floating shelf on the unused wall on the right and put an overgrown fern on it like this (or get a ceiling hanging fern like in the picture).
is that glass on the window frosted? if not, you can get stick-ons that frost your window for cheap! here's an example. a curtain could work too and really help the room feel cozier- but I'd still probably put some frosting on there for privacy.
are you renting? if so, you could get some stick-on wallpaper to cover the white portion of the wall where the tiles end. if you own, then you can paint or put on actual wallpaper!
hope this helps... i have more ideas where those came from haha lmk if you want more!
I have seen people do this very simmilar with privacy window film and 1 phone controlled rgb bulb:
There are privacy window films that let light in, but you can't see through. Like this one: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01DPF5B5K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_dl_F4HSVD4X87AN0QCCXVNH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And there are some that are mirrored, colored, designed, etc. This might not solve your landlord stalker problem, but at least it's some privacy until you can somehow get him to stop. Or until you move.